if zombies don't need to breathe oxygen, could they possibly exist and evolve under water? this thought has been plaguing me...i am 25. i have a degree (in english) and i work overnights at a grocery store. i recently moved back to the hudson valley (ny) from san diego and boy, do i LOVE the weather out here! actually i miss being able to see the pacific ocean from my kitchen and being able to wear flops and shorts all year 'round. i am glad to be back here on the right coast though. life is good. do what you like. like what you do.i am intrigued by zombies...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
kurt vonnegut, jr., maynard, jim morrison, alex grey, chuck palahniuk, your mom...
My Blog
wow. i am blogging. this is my first blog. i hope you blogging like it. if you don't, then just go blog yourself! will blog more later. Posted by on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:18:00 GMT