That's what SHE said! profile picture

That's what SHE said!

its hard making something out of nothing

About Me

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If there was one word I could use to decribe me, it would be unique. I've never met anyone quite like me.
I'm Zander, from xXx (triple x) or Z, most of my friends call me Z so its cool. I'm quiet but not reserved, blunt but not rude, confident but not arrogant. I'm pretty simple if you really get to know me.
I'm a computer tech, I have a decent, but not great job. I play world of warcraft, I have a lvl70 priest :) I go to the porch of all sorts to drink, hang out with friends, and play pool with my friends. Sup Robert and Monsi! I dont really like talking on the phone because I dont really have much to say unless I'm asked a question, in which case I'll tell you a story in reguards to the convorsation. I like actually hanging out with people to get to know them, in my opinion thats the best way, becasue you cant really get a feel for someone's body language or gestures over a phone, IM, or email.
I was in love once, but didnt know it untill it was to late. That was about 4 years ago. Its the greatest feeling in the world to be loved and know no matter how shitty your day was, or how cranky you are, you know they'll be there and just setting your eyes on their face will have made that bad day just a memory.
Just in case your wondering, I am single, and its because I havent really found that special someone. I'm not looking, but I am praying, that soon, very soon... I'll bump into her some place. I've had friends that have met on games and gotten happily married, on yahoo personals, aol, at the grocery store, even in a club, (as rare as that is to find some one who's not just a fling at a club).

My Interests

I like playing world of warcraft... yea! I'm a level 70 priest woot ;-) hanging out at the porch of all sorts, you'll find me by the pool tables trying to run game with my friend robert. I'm his albino brotha haha. I dont know if work is my interest but I do it enough so its gotta be ranked in there somewhere since I dont really hate my job with the exeption of the 630am meetings on saturday :( THAT SUCKS!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet a girl who I can talk with, someone who's caring, loving, a good listner, honest, sweet, intelligent, and funny! a good singing voice dosent hurt either. Not high maintence, down to earth, and who thinks like me. That 'special' someeone. I'd like to meet someone who is unique and intriguing.

I'm always looking for friends, people to hang out with or write to. World of Warcraft players and pool players are awesome in my book.


=I listen to the radio more then anything, the stations I listen to the most are.
2) 107.1 - Kiss
3) 100.9- The Wiz
4) 101.9 - Q102
5) 102.7 - webn


I like a ton of movies, I have like 200 movies I own and I love em all!


I dont get to watch much TV.


My Mamma, she's my numbero uno Hero. I wouldnt be where I am now if it wasnt for her.

My Blog


TAGHere's how you play. Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their nam...
Posted by Praise little baby jesus! Ricky Bobby on Mon, 28 May 2007 07:18:00 PST