Member Since: 11/2/2007
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Band Members:It was the dogmen of the past who created the American Pitbull terrier.It is the Dogmen & women of today who sustain him and keep him true to form and function.It is the job of the pet owners breeders & dogmen alike to promote a positive image of our breed....It is my job to bring you the truth!!!Often many "ol timers" condemn me for speaking openly about the dogs history,past and present.They say it is not for the public and must be kept underground and for those who truly seek the knowledge of the dogs. For years the media has made these dogs a front page issue.It yousta be the locking jawed man eaters thirsty to attack human beings.Now its either the poor innocent dogs who are subjected to torture by the worst type of people on the planet,or the dogs who have no place in society and should be destroyed.My point is most people have no idea what these dogs actually are! These dogs can not be summed up into a few words! Its impossible to speak on the breed in general because the dogs vary by the individual.
Ive seen dogs who went their whole life playing with other dogs (NOT A SINGLE INCIDENT),then I've seen puppies who as soon as they can open their mouths are trying to grab their litter mates.Then we have the dogs who played well with other dogs for years until one day he decided to be less playfull and more hostile.What the ol'timers need to understand is the public eye is already on the pitbull.Its better that people not sugar coat it nor sensationalize it, but tell it for what it truly is an "American PITBULL terrier".Their are enough websites promoting the dogs as pets,large lovable lap dogs if you will.Thats not my position.As most people know I am a rapper.Ive been doing music for a long time,but truthfully I am just as much of a dogger!And I will continue to bring the TRUTH & "History" of the greatest most versatile breed of dog known to man-THE AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER-...............................ALBANY LOU,THE CONTROVERSIAL RAPPER /DOGGER WHO SEEMS TO PUMP OUT NOTHING BUT CLASSIC RECORDINGS.Raised in Albany NY with his mother working overtime to support them,Louis Samberg turned to the street/music/and his eventually his beloved American Pitbull terrier(which he often relates himself to in his music).Although he hasn't yet achieved the success of his first cousin comedian Andy Samberg,A-Lou is quickly rising on the underground scene and gaining recognition for his talents!!.. -- Begin Official PayPal Seal -- .. -- End Official PayPal Seal --
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Record Label: Unsigned