My Main Interest is "Mi Amor" of course! I love going to the Beach! Going on car trips with my baby! Eating Out!(My Favorite thing to do!!)Taking Pictures!
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* I've already found my One & Only Love! He is my Everything!My Companion, Better Half, Soul mate, Lover,Best Friend and everything a woman could ever ask for!Te Quiero Mucho Mi Amor!
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MySpace Comments Graphics / Myspace Icons*Other than that im only here to catch up with family and old friends from school or ones that Ive lost touch with...k? So Im not interested in Stalker Type peeps or chicks that hate so Bounce Back! Have a great day!
PrEttY MuCh AnYtHiNg I cAn ShAke My LiL bOoTy tOo!!!LoL! BeLiEvE mE "My HiPs DoNt LiE"!! EsPeCiAlLy To A LiL mErEnGuE aNd SaLsA!!TrUsT dAt iTs a CoLoMbIaN ThiNg!!wAtChU kNoW aBoUt ThAt?!? BuT i DeF. LoVe SoMe FrEeStYlE & TeChNo!!AnD oF cOuRsE hIpHoP & R&B
AnYtHiNg FuNnY
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My new Favotite show is Law and Order!!AnImAl pLaNeT,aFv,SeX & tHe CiTy,PreTTy mUcH aNyThInG wOrThWhiLe, Of CoUrSe My NFL gAmEs!!
Graphics & Layouts
MoS dEfInItElY aNyThInG fRoM MaRy HiGgInS cLaRk!!! CaNt Do ThE sChOoL sTuFf ThOuGh!! LoL!!
MySpace Icons
My HeRo Is My SiLLy RaBBit* He HaS bEeN tHeRe FoR mE aNd hAs TuRneD mY LiFe ArOuNd Im SoO HaPPy To Be WhErE I aM... WuV yOu BaBy!! AnD eVeN tHoUgH pEoPlE tRy To BrEaK uS dOwN oUr LoVe OnLy GeTs StRoNgEr!!! "Te QuIeRo MuChO mUcHo!!!"