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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello my name is Rolando. I don't have many freinds as a normal gay person has a kingdom of queens and faires flying and eunning around. I'm an average your friend next door type of guy. I'm really out going and open to just about anything. I know how to take life by the horns and slam it down. I've always taken many hits and punches and stabs in the back by all angles in life & people. I have a very good ear, I always love to help people out with their problems I never judge there is only one man upstairs who does that. I accept all kind sof friends. I don't forgive cheating cuz its all ready been done to me by 2 guys that I loved in my life. I don't like mistreatment towards other people. I can't stand discrimination. I love tolive and peaces and harmony. I do have my temper so don't every dear mess with me, cuz I will leap at you... ;-) But anyone willing to give me a chance to be their friends you won't regret it. Thansk for taking your time of your life and reading my section, Hope you have a wonderful day. Take care & may god bless. Bye!
((Basic Info))
Name::: Just Rolando!!!
Hair Color::: Dark Redish Brown
Eye Color::: Brown
Age::: Why should I type it in, Im gonna keep geting older every year...
Birthday::: Jan/17/1987
Food::: More Like Junk Food... ;-)
Song::: Techno
Color::: Red, Gold, Black
Number::: 69, just kidding number 5
Movie::: Horror
Magazine::: No...
Actor::: ummm.....
Actress::: Sharon Tate & Cate Blanchett
Book::: I hate to read, but i like the Occult
Greatest Fear::: Snakes, not those kind of Snaks, The Snakes that slither
Screen Name::: ugh...
Bedtime::: none
Current Location::: No Where
Most Embarrassing Moment::: Many to hard to remember
Best Friend::: Fabian & Joe
Weakness::: Guys & Junk Food
First Thought When You Wake Up::: "Damn it, Where the hell am I? Who are this people? oh screw it"
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke::: Coke, Teh soda that is... ;-)
Chocolate Or Vanilla::: Le Chocolate
Day Or Night::: Night
Hamburger Or Hot Dog::: Tempting, I love "hot dogs"... ;-) but I'll say Hamburger
Love Or Money::: 50 50
Looks Or Personality::: 50 50
Summer Or Winter::: Winter... Im a Winter Baby... from January
Hugs Or Kisses::: hugs depends from who, (french) kisses totally...
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out::: Wild night our when Im single, Romantic night when Im with someone...
Coffee Or Tea::: Tea, Iced Tea
Hot Or Cold::: Cold
Sunny Or Rainy::: Rainy, I love being wet ;-)
Dogs Or Cats::: DOGs, PUGS!!!
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love::: Yes
Danced In The Rain::: I want to
Been Kissed::: Oh YES!!!
Toilet Papered Someone's House::: No, no one has pissed me off that bad...
Cheated On A Test::: *Grin*
Been Beaten Up::: Nah...
Bullied Someone::: Yes
Smoked::: ... no...
Drank::: 100% Yes
Done Drugs::: Come again? Do I look like a Whore...?
Had Sex::: In every position you could imagine
Gone Bungee Jumping::: I want to...
Gone Camping::: ugh YES
Stayed Up All Night::: Yes, 24 Hours
Skipped School::: Um a little....
Been On A Plane::: When I was a baby... Does that count?
Cheated On Someone::: No...
Been Cheated On::: Yes...
Sang In The Shower::: LOL
Smiled For No Reason::: Everytime
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny::: Damn you...
Had A Pillow Fight::: Yes.... When i was 10
Broken A Bone::: yes, My little leg when I was a baby, I was cage dancing in my crib...
Wished Upon A Star::: yes... so far nothing
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves::: no... I dont trust it will be like jumping in a bed
Gone Surfing::: No,
Sat On Your Rooftop::: Yes... relaxing
Written A Song::: Kinda....
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am::: Sexy
I Wish::: To be
Life Is::: A Dick, when its hard, Fuck it... ;-)
My First Kiss::: To many, To yound, Can't remember
Babies Are::: Nice little devils & Mean little Angles
Sometimes I Can Be::: You, if I wanted too...
I Really Want To::: Live 4ever
I Love::: love...
This Survey Was::: aahhh ok
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My Blog

I Miss You Dearly...

I really dont know what else to say, I dont know how I can just keep on going without any type of contact with you. Where are you is what I want to know, I dont know if I will ever see you again or be...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:50:00 GMT

El Hombre Oscuro

Me lo han visto por ahy, concistando corazones de muñecos de porcelana, Con la sonrisa marcada, avientando notas de amor, me lo han visto por ahy, vestido de negro, con los pantalones planchados y la ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 20:43:00 GMT

La Palabra Amor...

No hay suficientes palabras para explicar que tanto te amo, desde el fondo de mi alma, no hay nada en este mundo que yo entregaria para borar mis memorias y momentos que vivie asi a tu lado. &nbs...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:22:00 GMT

NAlas in Love

Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 14:14:00 GMT

A Nite @ Montrose...!!!

Once dark night he walks in to the place of neon lights, faking like he does no tknow where he s @, he goes to the music wonders around seeing mostly ugly faces LOL but he keeps moving on... stumbles ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 20:26:00 GMT

Mi Cumple Años (my birthday)

Its funny how we grow up and how we age through time and through this life. you can never look back nor deny at how old you are, becuz most people can not grasp what certain age while hit them, s...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:53:00 GMT

Le Poem in French

This is a small poem in french that I wrote, Hope You all Enjoy it...Ou est ma vie, la vie que j'ai pas? pourquoi tout est mal, mon cour ne resiste pas, je suis pres a la mort, la mort est mon ami, mo...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:27:00 GMT

R.I.P. Angel Tovar (My Cousin)

I'm so sorry that this had to happen this way, who would of thought that you would go to quick and young, The good thing is that you are reunited with your wife & son, whom left first than you, Bu...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:12:00 GMT