Art. Art History. Art Therapy (my major). If you didn't get the hint, I love art. I'm really into Renaissance art and Surrealism, but there's no style that I can say I don't like. Salvador Dali, alongside classics such as DaVinci and Michelangelo, is my absolute favorite artist. I also enjoy the art of Bosch, Vermeer, Watteau, Fragonard, Manet, Degas, Renoir, van Gogh, Cezanne, Munch, Miro, Picasso, and Tanning, along with sooo many others that I'm not going to continue to bore you with. I love the humanities. I love learning about cultures and traditions and learning foreign languages is also something I'm pretty good at. Museums, operas, poetry readings, ballets, art galleries...all that stuff is right up my alley. I know all that stuff sounds boring for someone my age, but I also enjoy other stuff like traveling, hiking, the beach, concerts, roller coasters, playing pool and oh yeah, I LOVE DANCING...and partying it uuuuuup with the greatest friends in the world!Just gimme my vodka and I'm happy.
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Some of my favorite bands are Killswitch Engage, Poison the Well, Cradle of Filth, Otep, Slipknot, System of a Down, Nirvana, Mindless Salf Indulgence...the list goes on. I'm not limited to hard rock and metal. I pretty much like anything that doesn't suck too badly. Sometimes, I could even deal with country. Afterall, I live with Ohio hicks lol.
-ReQuieM FoR a DReaM-DoNNie DaRKo-La ViTa e.. BeLLa-CiNeMa PaRaDiSo-L'uLTiMo BaCio-PaNe e TuLiPaNi-GiNGeR SNaPS-MaY-THe WiZaRD oF oZ-GReaSe-THe oTHeRS-SaVe THe LaST DaNCe-CeNTeR STaGe-MouLiN RouGe-CHiCaGo-iT'S a WoNDeRFuL LiFe-THiRTeeN-DiRTY DaNCiNG-BuTTeRFLY eFFeCT-16 CaNDLeS-THe BReaKFaST CLuB-FoR KeePS-STaND BY Me-WHiTe oLeaNDeR-aMeRiCaN BeauTY-SeCReT WiNDoW-eDWaRD SCiSSoRHaNDs-WHaT'S eaTiNG GiLBeRT GRaPe?-PiRaTeS oF THe CaRRiBeaN-GiRL, iNTeRRuPTeD-a BRoNX TaLe-HiDe aND SeeK-THe ViLLaGe-HoMeRooM-THe SiXTH SeNSe-CaRRie-CaRRie 2:THe RaGe-MeaN GiRLS-NoRMa JeaN & MaRiLYN MoNRoe-iMiTaTioN oF LiFe-NaPoLeoN DYNaMiTe-aLL SHiRLeY TeMPLe MoVieS-eTC...
DeGRaSSi!!! SouTH oF NoWHeRe, THe BeST YeaRS...I love the-N! haha I am an I LoVe LuCY have no idea until you enter my room. FuLL HouSe is also still one of my faves and always will be.
(ReQuieM FoR a DReaM) (GaRDeN oF SHaDoWS) (CRiMe aND PuNiSHMeNT) (CaTCHeR iN THe Rye) (DeaTH oF a SaLeSmaN) (The ouTSiDeRS) (LoRD oF THe FLieS) (BRaVe NeW WoRLD) (BeLoVeD) (SuLa) (MauS) (Da ViNCi CoDe) (aNGeLS & DeMoNS)