Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, beings of all ages, I welcome you to the Official Tragic Tom myspace...and for those of you who don't know what Tragic Tom is, shame on you! No seriously, Tragic Tom is a comic created and owned by Kassandra Davis, and this is the myspace of her character and star, Tragic Tom, so if you've read these comics, or are just eager to learn more, add me!
Free Dark creepy layouts at suicidekiss.com
Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 16
Birthplace Hell.
Current Location Hell.
Hair Color Raven Black.
Eye Color Grey.
Height 5..'5.."
Heritage Welsh.
Your fears Existing.
Your weakness Rope, razor blade, any sharp instruments.
Goal for today To perish.
Goal for this year Did you not read the above line?
Lifetime goal I..'m starting to think you aren..'t getting this.
When do you want to get married? I want no love.
and to whom? No one.
Ever been in love? No.
Currently in love? Love is for the weak.
Do you think you are attractive? Me? Attractive? That..'s a laugh.
Your best physical feature My wrist scars?
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... No.
gone skinny dipping... No.
been beaten up... Yes...
wanted to kill someone... No, I wish not to do harm to others, but only to myself, even if they do beat me up...
gone a week without MySpace... I can live without Myspace.
gone a week without TV... Mechanical Mushroom is one of the only pleasures I have.
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... My mother.
say hi to you... Happiness.
talk to you... The voices...
What's the last...
Time you cried? I don..'t really cry...I leak.
Book you've read? I must admit I have been dabbling in a bit of Poppy Z. Brite lately...
Store you've been in? The hardware store, picking up...things.
Can you...
Dance? Seriously? Are you kidding?
Speak a differenty language? No.
Cook? A bit.
Write w/ both hands? No. I..'m a lefty.
Whistle? Sure...
Finish the line...
If I had a... way out.
I would take it.
So I can not waste space.
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