JL(MALE) is a native of Charlotte, NC. HE has 5 years of experience with promotions/graphics. He first started promoting on line with his yahoo group at the age of 16, where he promoted over 60 models, from Deeca to Sapphire and others. Also, he started his first magazine back then called, Hot Spot Magazine! In 2006 he teamed up with now magazine business partner's Enfluenz, Lovii and Mastahn and now new magazine partner nanell to launch a new magazine. Enfluenz Magazine is an on line-men's magazine (www.enfluenzmagazine.com ). Now at the age of 22 he has released 17 issues of Enfluenz magazine with his magazine team. Magazine have feature artist keke wyatt to model M CARTER. He is the web designer for the site. He has done interviews/featured models from all over the world on his magazine. interview artists to photographers. JL is a graphic designer /promoter/magazine owner/ model casting director/marketing person. JL is a true business man and works extremely hard. He doesn't limit his skills on what he can do! He loves finding ways to broaden his knowledge of the business with coming up with new ideas assisting his partners or working on creative ways to help new clients. other website(www.jlconnnections.com)also checkout my cuz site(www.ghettonerd.com)