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About Me

GemEx is the only independent, scientific and objective measurement of diamond light performance. When you shop for a diamond you would like a beautiful diamond that gets noticed in a crowd and that you can be proud of. What makes a diamond beautiful and gets noticed is the way it plays with light, or the Light Performance.The traditional 4C information does not help you to separate a beautiful diamond from a diamond of inferior appearance. Three of the 4 C's, Color, Clarity and Carat weight have very little effect on the appearance of the diamond. These 3C's determine the rarity of the diamond. The 4th C' cut does affect the appearance, but it is not well defined and it ignores the light characteristics of the diamond material. Even so called "ideal cut" diamonds do not guarantee you great light performance.GemEx is independent and objectively measures the light performance of each and every diamond with its BrillianceScope. This allows you to compare your diamond's light performance to every other diamond in the world. It is easiest and surest way to choose a diamond that you will be proud of for eternity.

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