Im Vishal, also go by many other names now & again like Vernon, Vish, Junior, MR V, VB & The Mighty Prince!!& Just Remember God blessed You wen he made MEPrimary School:St. Stephens C.E Primary School which was good as most of my m8s then are still my m8s now and most of them come to Runshaw.Highschool: Priory Sports & Technology College gd tyms shame it was just another institution 2 fuck about at.
Good thing was Loads of ma mates went thier and of course made many too.College: Runshaw College. Studying Btec ND Business which is a laugh for obv reasons and of corse theirs fit birds round every corner. My class is alryt shame hardly ne1 knows how to take a joke or its my insane humour
Best Thing about college is the amount of mates you make.
Well 4 most people n e way.
Round every corner i'll know somebody.As im always makin new m8s who are fukin top, old freinds still rock.
Its not the position dat mattas, if ur not in its coz i don't have enough space on ma page as it is about me LOL!!Ye nd Im always up a for a chat so ye can always talk to me for anything u wnt i dnt mind as im very talkative.
u can add me on msn feel free
[email protected]