lars nyc profile picture

lars nyc

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am more a visual person than a great talker, therefore check out my flickr site to get a better idea of who I am.A little bio right here: I moved to NY two years ago after studying film in college. My first job in NY was to work as an assistant to an eyewear designer favored by the likes of Madonna and Jake Gyllenhaal. From there I did the odd job here and there, worked in a gallery and as Naomi Campbells personal assistant(uh.. yeah that one, and NO she didn't hit me) After that roller coaster I ventured into one of my passions, photography and became a photo assistant to a NY based sports photographer. I gave it to follow my calling to hollywood where a friend of mine, after years and years of struggle recently sold a script which went BIG. So I found myself working in the camera department of an oscar winning cinematographer . What next? This year is going about to get my photography portfolio together and getting it out there, pursuing my painting and ... whatever is going to come my way! Any suggestions?

My Interests

photography, painting, film, going out (dancing), art

I'd like to meet:

People who share similar interests, who are intersted in being photographed by me (send me a picture) or who want to photograph me. People who need a place to crash in NY on their travels around the world in exchange for a bed for a couple of days in their hometown, no hook-ups here, and who ever has smart ideas for colaboration art.


Torchwood, Mr. Who, Family Guy, Ugly Betty, Six Feet Under, Brady Bunch, Buffy and the Simpsons


Is that were I am supposed to say 'my mom?!'