Well..Where do I start??.. lol...
Im Janette...I live in shitty Barry in Wales.
I like loadsa things :)Love watchin music channels and playing my guitar when i get round to learnin new songs lol. I also love singin... i cant sing but its summin too do when im bored :P
If ya wanna chat on msn my addy is [email protected]
... but dont forget to email on here and tell me yoo added me :P
Profile Generator
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : Very High
Schizoid : Moderate
Schizotypal : High
Antisocial : High
Borderline : Very High
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : High
Avoidant : High
Dependent : Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive : Moderate
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All About Me
Name: Janette
Date of Birth: 6th October 1989
Birthplace: Bristol
Current location: Barry
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your fears: Spiders, Clowns, People grabbing my ankles whilst walkin up/down stairs,
Your perfect pizza: Cheese, Onion, Mushroom
Food you could live on for the rest of your life: Pasta Carbonara
Most missed memory: Having Pink Hair :s
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Do you smoke: Yes but I am trying to quit honestly
Do you drink: Yes
What annoys you: Chavs, Bitches, Brats that answer back.
What interests you: Alcohol, Sleeping
What makes you laugh: My mates, and my sis, being tickled
What makes you cry: being tickled, bring hurt :(
Shower or Bath: Shower
Ever been in Love: Yeh sorta
Do you want to get married: Yep One day
What country would you most like to visit: New York and Miami (been to miami loved it)
What would you most like to invent: more hours to sleep
What do you wish never existed: cancer, any type of illness
Favourite film: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favourite smell: Lynx Africa
Buried or Cremated: Cremated
What or who do you dislike: hm.. Chavs, and people who i dont trust
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