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Big Love Festival

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Member Since: 01/11/2007
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Band Members: WIR HABEN AN FOLGENDE ORGANISATIONEN GESPENDET: ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- DAGAMA HOME, Sambia, Sister Veronica Bwalya ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- HAITI CARE, ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- HOKISA, Homes for Kids in South Africa, ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Jamaica Aids Support for Life (tbc) ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Deutsch-Guineische Gesellschaft e.V., ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- BIG LOVE am 01.12., dem internationalen Welt-Aids-Tag, ist ein Benefiz-Festival und eine Fundraising Organisation in Köln. Empfänger aller Spendengelder und der Konzertgewinne sind Organisationen, die Waisenhäuser für Kinder betreuen, die ihre Eltern durch die Krankheit verloren haben. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- GEMEINSAM GEGEN AIDS! Einen kleinen Beitrag zum Welt aidstag leisten, das will das *Big Love Festival* in Köln. Mit Clueso, Dendemann, Curse und den Gypsies werden namhafte Künstler zusammen kommen, um für mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Bewußtsein, insbesondere bei Jugendlichen zu werben. Denn die Infektionsraten sind alarmierend: So wurde 2006 der größte Anstieg von Neuinfektionen seit der Erfassung registriert. Heterosexuelle Jugendliche gehören auch dazu, es betrifft nicht nur schwule Männer, dies ist ein Irrglaube. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Die Tatsache, dass Aidskranke in der Öffentlichkeit nicht zu 'erkennen' sind oder daß die Krankheit dank moderner Medikation das Leben der Betroffenen verlängern kann, heißt nicht, dass Aids von der Landkarte unheilbarer Krankheiten verschwunden ist. Im Gegenteil! ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
Sounds Like: IN THE LAST YEARS, INFECTION RATES FOR HIV INCREASED AMONG GERMAN straight youths. The reasons are manifold – often in school, sexual education is neglected and the subject of AIDS and AIDS prevention are often entirely left out. According to survey, many youth even think the disease does not exist anymore in Germany or that it can be cured with the relevant medication. Often using a condom is regarded as being bothersome and afterwards one hopes that everything went alright… And what if "it" actually has happened? When you’re diagnosed as HIV-positive? This means one has to take medication all one’s life. Every cold, every sickness, every change in the body is being observed with worry and one asks oneself “Is it just a cold? Or is it…?” ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Although the actual development of AIDS can be delayed with the right medication, the disease is still terminal! And what is worse: HIV medication often has strong and very unpleasant side-effects, of which the optical effects (such as the cavernous cheeks caused by NRTI and other substances) are the most harmless. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- In the world’s poor countries, e.g. in Africa, the picture looks quite different, here HIV medication is often unavailable or if it is, it is too expensive, and malnutrition adds to the much harsher health threats. The course of the disease is much quicker and in most cases it is lethal. All this is combined with social marginalisation. AIDS service organisations are often hindered by prejudices and a partly ignorant policy; and prevention is often almost rendered impossible by the role of religion and tradition. In Jamaica, too, people suffering from AIDS and HIV-positive people are being socially marginalised. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Thomas Hürtgen, Cologne ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Record Label: Danke den Support an Wir Sind Helden und Myspace!!
Type of Label: Indie

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