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About Me

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Going to do my masters for Library Science....This totally rocked my world: "Ok, sure. We've all got our little preconceived notions about who librarians are and what they do. Many people think of librarians as diminutive civil servants, scuttling about "Sssh-ing" people and stamping things. Well, think again buster. Librarians have degrees. They go to graduate school for Information Science and become masters of data systems and human/computer interaction. Librarians can catalog anything from an onion to a dog's ear. They could catalog you. Librarians wield unfathomable power. With a flip of the wrist they can hide your dissertation behind piles of old Field and Stream magazines. They can find data for your term paper that you never knew existed. They may even point you toward new and appropriate subject headings. People become librarians because they know too much. Their knowledge extends beyond mere categories. They cannot be confined to disciplines. Librarians are all-knowing and all-seeing. They bring order to chaos. They bring wisdom and culture to the masses. They preserve every aspect of human knowledge. Librarians rule. And they will kick the crap out of anyone who says otherwise."

My Interests

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Some of my favorite bands include The CreepShow and Social Distortion.


Sex and the City all the way. that 70s show. Friends


Good in Bed, Sons and Lovers and *The Handmaids Tale*

My Blog

Summer '06

Well its been a while since i've written anything. But here goes... This summer has exceeded my expectations. I planned on just living and chillen here in Ottawa for the summer, but things changed whe...
Posted by ~Chantilly~ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 04:16:00 PST

If men truly ran the world

If men truly ran the world . . . Breaking up would be a lot easier.?A smack to the ass and a "Nice hustle, you'll get'em next time" would pretty much do it. Birth control would come in ale or lager...
Posted by ~Chantilly~ on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 08:31:00 PST

The anthem!

Just gotta take the good with the bad,Smile with the sad. Love what you got and remember what you had. Always forgive, never forget! Learn from mistakes but never regret! People change, things go wro...
Posted by ~Chantilly~ on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 01:21:00 PST

Summer 05

"Question how does a girl who falls, no actually jumps eyes wide open, down a rabbit hole, plummeting into chaos come out unchanged? Answer, she doesn't." Couldnt have survived this summer withough...
Posted by ~Chantilly~ on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 01:19:00 PST