I love Jesus.
Occupation: being awesome and i coach people on the side.
Fave Hobby: loving people, hugs are definitely the best ever!
Age: twenty-three
Personality: Mega Extrovert, but way laid back, I bring the fun, so don't worry, and also i am a networking FREAK. :]
Status: highly intrigued and greatly interested
Fave Food: Chinese!
Fave Color(s): I got five--green, grey, white, red, yellow (mostly that mustard one that recently everyone decided to wear after i have been wearing forever)
I am bored with that quiz. Basically God has me keepin it real in Ohio for a little bit, I mean someones gotta keep the state up to par. I mean after our buckeyes, i mean someone's gotta keep us on the mark. Eventually I'll be going out to Cali doing even awesomer things that I am doing now, which is mostly unfathomable to begin to think about! I love my job and wouldnt trade it or anyone in my life for the world! Im just trying to save money, give God glory, spend time with the fam, and get a book written while He's got me here. I love people and meeting new people, so don't be afraid to message me, however i will only add you if you say something to me, it would be most likely assumed i just add people due to seven-hundred and some friends, however, i know majority of the people on my list, and also love all the bands i have added. otherwise, SHOUT! :] have a mega blessed glamfabulous day! ♥
dani ♥