:i|[ rAe ]|i: profile picture

:i|[ rAe ]|i:

I'm A Crybaby & A God-Forsaken Queen of Negativity

About Me

My Life is reaLity with a twist and i'm one frustrated Loner undergoing solitary nostaLgia.. Making friends is easy -- a smaLL taLk, a smoke or a joke could aLways do the trick and hurL up into good friendship// i have Lots of ang aLL sorts of friends, from the most angeLic to the deviLish to the Jackass whackos to the otherworLdy geeks, name it and i got one of each kind.. -- and i'm happy with that.. However, im sensitive, which is a drawback.. PeopLe need to seLect their words while taLking to me.. if someone tries to fiddLe around and pLay with words whiLe deaLing with me, it is enough to invite my wrath.. i start and end my day with cLouds of thoughts that Lead me nowhere but what the heck, that's what i feeL Like doing so don't bother bashing on me.. i'm down for anything coz i do seek adventure.. i try so much to be a do-gooder but i sometimes faiL and turn out to be a goofy menace.. i'm a crybaby, yes, i am, but i beLieve the pages wiLL turn, in time.. i'm not in a rush.. i know i'LL reach my ideaL LeveL of contentment when i catch myseLf smiLing at my own faiLures.. Who knows? i might find myseLf good enough to be elevated into sainthood one day.. Seems impossibLe, huh? But we'LL see.. We'LL see.. ü i Live up to my "ALL OR NOTHING, NOW OR NEVER" mantra.. i have a Long List of things i wna achieve in Life and i'm hoping to accompLish these goaLs before i die.. Life is short, indeed.. What if tomorrow never comes? i Live my Life to the fullest, coz i beLieve we are aLL yet to be doomed.. [Morbid ba?]

My Interests

Topher [mah ADORABLE nephew], Brandon Boyd & his music, his artwork & his tattoos, SLEEP (Lots of it.. ü), mah 4B penciL, MAH CAMERAPHONE, photos, Powerpuff GrLs, coffee, babies & baby taLk, fuLLmoon nights, catchin the sun rise & watchin it set, triangLes, spiraLs, mah work, INCENTIVES, mah artwork & EVRYTHING pink, *bashin on mah x-boyfriends, mingLin with imtrestin peeps & constantLy searchin for someone to hoLd hands with.. ü

I'd like to meet:

Enough of Moneysuckin A**hoLes, ShittaLkin Liars & Tripshittin Liars.. If you're one of those.. PLease, DON'T EVEN BOTHER..


Hmm, i can dig any type.. As Long as i find mahseLf singin to it.. I'm down with anythin, anyway.. ;p


Meet Joe BLack, 2 Can PLay Tat Gme, The Truman Show, Life is BeautifuL, Sweet November, Serendipity, With Honors, City of AngeLs, CrueL Intentions, What's Eating GiLbert Grape, ReaLity Bites, I am Sam, Phonebooth, Passion of The Christ & aLL Jim Carrey movies.. ü


Powerpuff GrLs, Cow & Chicken, Mr. Bean, Sex & the City, Punk'd, RipLey's, Misadventures of Maverick & ArieL, some sitcoms & documentary programs.. And oh, I find myself gLued to the TV when I switch to MTV.. ;p


Gone with the Wind, If Tomorrow Comes, The Rainmaker, Who Moved My Cheese.. -- So far, those are the onLy books I've read.. I read magazines or the morning paper more.. Books kinda bore me.. Ho-hum.. ;p


The Powerpuff Girls.. [Saving the World Before Bedtime! ü]

My Blog

"Hi, Rae"..

This line left me speechless.. *sighs* ;]
Posted by :i|[ rAe ]|i: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

These Lights Are Fuckin Blindin Me.. Damn..

Our office got new lights on, plus got all windows tinted to our side.. They're freakin reflectin too much light.. Godemmet.. ;p
Posted by :i|[ rAe ]|i: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST