world of anarchie
we think inside the box :: music packaging :: mad passionate + sublime
Dust-to-Digital; Table of the Elements; Tight Bros. Network; Tompkins Square Records; 5 String Productions; 24xps; Revenant Records; edition...; Chaldea; dave fm; eddie's attic
Now serving: Nick Tosches: "I'm in Love With Your Knees"; Red Fox Chasers; DAVE FM; Goodbye Babylon vinyl; Table of the Elements Guitar Series IV Limited Edition lps
Previously on the bill: Art Rosenbaum Volume I and II, Polk Miller, Ernest V. Stoneman, the Unsung Father of Country Music, Eddie's Attic, Woody and Marjorie Mazia Guthrie, Ian Nagosky, Deerhunter, Hubcap City (From Belgium), The Sneakers, Badgerlore, The Seventh Ring of Saturn, Tuvan Throat Folk Singers, Jonathan Kane, Paul Anka, Albert Ayler, John Fahey, Captain Beefheart, Tony Conrad, Rhys Chatham, Joe Bussard, Blind Arvella Gray, Charley Patton, Charlie Feathers, Harry Smith, Nick Tosches, Chris Leo, Dock Boggs, Stanley Brothers, Cecil Taylor, Derek Bailey, Francisco Lopez, Matts Gustafson, Jack Smith, Jenks Carman, Bassholes, Little country Giants, Dax Rossetti, Various String Bassists, Various Sacred Harp Singers, many, many others
"Never mind the iPod... The boxed set lives" Jon Pareles, NY Times
Susan is one of the... "fanatics known for reinventing box sets
as objets d'art" Spin
Her work... "makes any other that came before it look like it was
made with construction paper and crayons... " Othermusic
"Over the top, hard to read with small type printed on brown paper... what were they thinking?" R.Crumb
"Table of the Element's (Jeff) Hunt and Atlanta designer Susan Archie often construct remarkable art simply in the process of putting something on the (retail) shelf.... In a sea of releases covered with standard portraits in standard jewelcases, the effect is like hearing the work 'f@(k.' In a church. On Sunday..." Signal-to-Noise, Summer 2006
"Our book looks wonderful! Really warms my heart. Really. I can't think of any other production we've ever done that is this special... intimate, informative, beautiful. It's a complete meal! I'm so happy." Nora Guthrie
"As usual, your work is unbeatable!! You are, indeed, the very best that there is." Larry Cohn
"Your ego and your overarching sense of entitlement are grotesque... You are so obnoxious." Jeff Hunt
"Packaging that you make is very good. We like to have good art for release of our guitar action music record but it is difficult with only little money. One day we hope to make record with box packaging." Chang Wording Girl
"If you let your head get too big, it will break your neck." Elvis Presley