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It is something that gathers strength with patience, grows despite obstacles, warms in winter, flour

About Me

I edited my profile at .They say to me in their awakening, "You and the world you live in are but a grain of sand upon the infinite shore of an infinite sea." And in my dream I say to them, "I am the infinite sea, and all worlds are but grains of sand upon my shore

My Interests

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts


Myspace Layouts
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My house says to me, "Do not leave me, for here dwells your past." And the road says to me, "Come and follow me, for I am your future." And I say to both my house and the road, "I have no past, nor have I a future. If I stay here, there is a going in my staying; and if I go there is a staying in my going. Only love and death will change all things."


I love peotry. My fav are Kahli'i Gibran, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz. I also like Hermann Hesse. I just got finished reading Memiors of a Giesha - AMAZING......


Martin Luther King - For his patience Jackie O - For her perseverance Ghandi - For his Insight and Vison Dalai Lama - For his Wisdom

My Blog

Another Year

Another New Year......where did the time go. So much changes then again so much stay the same. It gets you thinking all the choices that you made and didn't make. The things you said and things you di...
Posted by LIS on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 05:54:00 PST