"I dont want to not live because of my fear of what could happen"
Larid Hamilton
Lauren and I, pretty much awesome!!
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
...and this is the part where I talk about myself...
some say im crazy, I say im just unconventional. *im not being insubordinate, your just on a power trip!* I enjoy good company & interesting conversation. I live my life for me, which means I do what I want when I want for the purpose of having fun and because I can. im optimistic & random. I like cheese, funnel cake, potatos, veggies, brisket, mustard & cereal. I make the worlds best sandwiches, play midnight golf & travel as often as possible. i have the memory & attention span of a goldfish, im a little ocd, very adhd & a bit dyslexic. im extreamly tickelish, sometimes i eat my egos still frozen, im addicted to traveling, learning, writing, s*x, dr*gs & r*ck n r*ll!! so in other words im perfect!
Be who U R because U wanna be! I am who I am because I dont give a sh*t what you think!
B =Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented C =Charming
H = Heart Breaker
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