For the lucky few that have seen the inkblots’ first gigs--they can testify to the fearless mediocrity of this band destined to change the world. The inkblots are a tight bunch who maintain a furious intent on getting what is most certainly deserving of their talents. What that may be is a question for the individuals who witness them. Sam and Irving started the inkblots in 2005. It was a spontaneous decision that luckily entailed the enrollment of Irving’s brother Jesus. The inkblots were left a three-piece band with Sam on vocals/guitar, Jesus on lead guitar, and Irving on drums. Once the very talented bass player, Bernie, entered the lineup it became pure magic. With one listen to the poetic lyrics and face distorting singing of Sam, the sluggish virtuosity of guitar player Jesus, the intellectually frenetic drumming of Irving, and the, slightly hidden, yet casual playing of Bernie--there is no question that the judgment will be "genius".
inkblots: Smiling Video
Here Comes the Train: Live at the Troubadour