God and music editing! Fruit smiles, guns, knives, sling shots, swimming, saving people that are drowning in 15+ feet of water, creepy people that want to be myspace friends and have no profile pics, white guys that rap. I also like outdoor stores.
Derek Webb, Delerious?, Mute Math, Enrique Iglesias, United Live, 30 seconds to Mars.
50 First Dates, Equilibrium, Best in Show, Spirited Away, Star Wars, Knights Tale, Jurassic Park, Heat (all time favorite), Batman Begins, M. Night Shyamalan, Michael Mann, Collateral.
The Office(British and American versions), News Radio, and Lost, 24, and Scrubs!
All. Ted Dekker. Classics. I love to read.
Jesus, Daniel Roberts, Ryan Gott, Clay Staires, Luke Yinger, Lauren Walsh, Christina Ortega, Claire Yinger, my mom and dad, Whitney Pearce, Shelby Jaco.