Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for, in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.And that is why I am not normal!!!!My goal is to devote my life and energy to healing and helping others through myself and the beautiful things that this earth provides for us. I graduated from massage school in Petaluma, (witch is quiet possibly the most transforming experience I have ever had) and am now making a living by helping and healing others and in turn helping myself. I love to dance and move in every way and form and have become 100 percent addicted to fire dancing. I am always excited to meet others to play with. I try to be as positive about life as possible by embracing everything that comes my way. Most of my free time is spent on randon weekend road trips around Nevada and California, hiking whenever I can, enjoying festivals and concerts, or travelong through this vast amazing world. I am always open for new opertunities and am not very limited in what I do. Live to the fullest!!! I am my best friend, and am constantly trying to become more connected with myself. As introverted as I am I love being around others too. I think there is something valuable that I can learn from everbody and I am open for all the discoveries coming my way!oh one more thing I talk too much can you
tell :)just a little update...
I am high as a kite on how beautiful and amazing this thing called life is! I am overwhelmed everYday with the outstanding people that have to this day come into my life and the awesome experiences i have been so lucky to have. As life moves and changes in all its beautiful ways i am constantly reminded to be complety present and embrace each moment for RIGHT NOW is what truley matters. Most importantly i am reminded to be happy for life is too short to not be. With all its ups and downs this world is a beautiful place!!
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