sorry boys, well.... and GIRLS! (men, women, ladies, gents.. whatevs...) we're taken... happy... lucky... in love. dont watch the slideshow if your not in the mood to be mushy! lololol. no, im not kidding... you have been warned... ;) muah!
im jennifer.
jenn if it fits.
i am nothing without friends, family and faith.
i am not afraid of telling you how i really feel.
i try hard to expect nothing and appreciate everything in my life.
sometimes, i try to hard to impress too many people.
my heart has left michigan but my feet seem to be slightly stuck.
coffee makes me happy.
i am always changing. (hopefully always for the better..eek.)
i am terrible at making ANY decisions. (big or small)
my life wouldnt be what it is without sunshine, ice cream, music and hair dye .
FURTHERMORE.... I am: .. a daughter .. a sister .. a granddaughter .. a hopeless romantic that tries really hard to be level-headed and realistic with her expectations .. a liberal arts college student .. an outgoing, fun loving, honest girl who tries to be the best she can be .. a friend .. a best friend .. a girl caught off guard and captured by her prince charming .. a future wife .. a future mommy .. a future college grad .. a once undeserving girl saved by grace .. lucky, loved and highly sought after .. someone who dislikes the mistakes she makes but loves the lessons learned .. a co-worker who is quite nerdy and sells computers .. a stranger .. an unfamiliar face that may pass you by everyday. ( say hello sometime.. )