Our running contracts: *** The new Inn(Door supervisors), *** The coach & horses (Door supervisors) *** Kings Paradise(Door security), *** China Product wholesale(Retail), *** President Restaurant(construction Guarding), *** Atlas cars(marshall), *** Heartlands cars(mobile patrol) *** Kays Furnuture(mobile patrol), *** B k carpets(mobile patrol), *** City valeting(mobile patrol) *** Mainly Marks(Static). *** Takamo Mobile Patrol (London) *** Canal Club (Door Sub Contracting) From Another Security Company *** Red Bar (Door Sub Contracting) *** Asian ladies Nights (Door Security) *** Bollywood fever ladies nights (Door Security) We dont just deal with businesses, we deal with public with events like weddings & Parties. We also got sub contracting contracts from other companies. We also got contract from students at Uni that do gigs around birmingham clubs and pubs, nights or daytimes.