About Me
I work full time for the Tobacco Prevention Program at the Health Dept and go to school part time. When I'm not doing those things you can find me playing piano, having a drink at the bars, hiking, playing volleyball or tennis, working in our garden, at the gym, or just relaxing with friends.
The geek in me loves the stock market, housing market, economics, personal finance, crunching numbers, video games, jeopardy, science, and building things- or just tearing things apart.
I can be moody, introverted, very much enjoy time to myself, sometimes shy and quiet-- but most people will tell you that I'm happy-go-lucky, very easy going, and an all-around nice person.
My boyfriend Troy lives with me on First Hill. We've been together 2 years and he's the love of my life. I'm so lucky to have met someone so special :)