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Panda Luv!

Kinky .

About Me

Hey everyone ^^. Just a little bit about myself in case you dont know me very well (shame on you! :P) I'm 20 and i'm from the greatest city in the world, New York City. I recently just graduated from New York City College of Technology (aka NYCCT or City Tech). My major was Vision Care. My plans are to go to Optometry school one day. Right now i'm just kinda floating about, looking at my options. One thing you need if you wanna hang with me is you need a sense of humor. I'm all about laughter and fun. You can be the biggest dork in world, but as long as your funny we will get along just fine. But as I always say "Dorks and Geeks are hot!"

My Interests - myPlaylist Creator Let's see, where to begin.. hmmm.... Well for starters I love video games. Final Fantasy 11 (FFXI) is one of my favorites. My character Taeya is pretty cool ^^ That's that funny lookin child-like character on this page. I love DDR. I don't get to play with my feet much cuz most arcades I go have the ghetto version of DDR which suxs ass! I mostly play at home with my hands :( /cry. I love to play pool. I'm not very good at it but it's still fun to play. Movies, I'll watch any type except the chick flicks and the horror ones. I'm the biggest baby in the world... I'm afraid of ET (insert laugh here). Comedies are my favorite. It's all about the laughter. Anime is great to. My sister says all the animes I like are the cutsy ones but w/e. Sailormoon and Snow Fairy Sugar are awesome, but i'm starting to like Samurai Champloo to. That one you gotta see if you havent yet. Speaking of cartoons, only TV i really watch is Family Guy. Better then the Simpsons (I dare anyone to challenge me there). Either Family Guy or Iron Chef. I would literally stop what i'm doing just to go watch Iron Chef. Sounds dorky I know, but i'm a dork anyway. Q--(^.^Q)

I got spontaneous and got pierced :)

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Home // Comments // Blog // Send Message // Add To Friends // More Pics // View FriendsName: Taeya
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Orientation: Bi
Location: NY, NY
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican
Smoke/Drink: No/Yes
Games Playing:

Let's see, where to begin.. hmmm.... Well for starters I love video games. Final Fantasy 11 (FFXI) is one of my favorites. My character Taeya is pretty cool ^^ That's that funny lookin child-like character on this page. I love DDR. I don't get to play with my feet much cuz most arcades I go have the ghetto version of DDR which suxs ass! I mostly play at home with my hands :( /cry. I love to play pool. I'm not very good at it but it's still fun to play. Movies, I'll watch any type except the chick flicks and the horror ones. I'm the biggest baby in the world... I'm afraid of ET (insert laugh here). Comedies are my favorite. It's all about the laughter. Anime is great to. My sister says all the animes I like are the cutsy ones but w/e. Sailormoon and Snow Fairy Sugar are awesome, but i'm starting to like Samurai Champloo to. That one you gotta see if you havent yet. Speaking of cartoons, only TV i really watch is Family Guy. Better then the Simpsons (I dare anyone to challenge me there). Either Family Guy or Iron Chef. I would literally stop what i'm doing just to go watch Iron Chef. Sounds dorky I know, but i'm a dork anyway. Q--(^.^Q) Hey everyone ^^. Just a little bit about myself in case you dont know me very well (shame on you! :P) I'm 21 and i'm from the greatest city in the world, New York City. I recently just graduated from New York City College of Technology (aka NYCCT or City Tech). My major was Vision Care. My plans are to go to Optometry school one day. Right now i'm just kinda floating about, looking at my options. One thing you need if you wanna hang with me is you need a sense of humor. I'm all about laughter and fun. You can be the biggest dork in world, but as long as your funny we will get along just fine. But as I always say "Dorks and Geeks are hot!"
Comment Me


Rock :) Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, KoRn, Weezer.. u get the picture.

I just wanted a hot rocker chick on my page ^^v Careful, she bites *rawr*

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The Incredibles, Meet the Fockers, Star Wars, Underworld, Death to Smoochy, Kill Bill, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Nightmare Before Christmas just to name a few.


Family Guy, Iron Chef, Sailormoon, Samurai Champloo... anything good.


I don't read much, but the Harry Potter series is my favorite.


You Are 19 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
You Are a Bloody Mary
You're a fairly serious drinker, who's experimented a lot with different drinks.
You're a drunk, but a stable drunk. You don't ever let your drinking get out of control. What Mixed Drink Are You?
Which Dance Dance Revolution song are you?
Your skills aren't very impressive yet, but keep practicing, and you'll soon be wowing the crowds!
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