Cr-Os-B=Y profile picture


What's the rumpus?

About Me

Family. Meghan. Friends. Brewing. Chemistry. Fun trips. Nightlife. Musical instruments.

My Interests

Jammin', Dancing, Homebrewing, Films, Skate/Snow/Surf Boarding, Mountain Biking, Hiking & Camping, Bowling, Soccer, old school Nintendo games like Super Dodge Ball, pin ups (especially Varga girls), occasionally dressing up like a ninja and sneaking around outside at night - wait, I don't do that anymore.

I'd like to meet:

Hayao Miyazaki
David Lynch


I like anything with a real nice beat. I love that old school gangsta sh!t. I also like listening to The Police, Sting, The Smiths, Morrissey, The Cure, Interpol, The Flaming Lips, Beastie Boys, Moby, Radiohead, DJ Shadow, Blackalicious, Cake, Weezer, Sublime, Jack Johnson, Nirvana, George Strait, Johnny Cash, Bon Jovi, Manu Chao, Mana, Daft Punk, DJ Tiesto, Joy Electric, Swing and Classical Music. I don't care for Classic Rock too much.)


Directors: Hitchcock, Kubrick, Coen Bros., Lynch, Kurosawa, Scorsese, Burton, Gilliam, Anderson (Wes and P.T.), M. Night (sucketh lately), Coppola (father & daughter), Tarantino, Miyazaki, Kevin Smith.
These movies have actually moved me: Princess Bride, Labrynth, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Story of Us, Sin City, Great Expectations, Shawshank Redemption, Sliding Doors, Notorious, American Beauty, Lost in Translation, Garden State, Virgin Suicides, Royal Tenenbaums, Princess Mononoke & Sprited Away, Fifth ElementI am a Star Wars nerd so last but not least STAR WARS (especially Episodes III-VI)Movie(s) that I have enjoyed recently - Marie Antoinette*, Howl's Moving Castle*, Porco Rosso*, Castle in the Sky*, 300*, Zodiac*, Saboteur*, Shadow of a Doubt*, Volver*, Pan's Labyrinth*, Rope*, Rear Window*, The Gift*.
*First time viewing


The sole purpose of my T.V. is to play me all of my wonderfull DVDs; Firefly, Family Guy, The Office, Freaks & Geeks, Tom & Jerry. I do occasionally watch Sex and the City, but don't tell anyone, please.


I read books on chemistry and zymurgy, and oh yeah Dr. Seuss.
Excerpt taken from: One Fish two fish red fish blue fish
Dedicated to my niece, Madison Crosby

My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.
I have a bird
I like to hold.
My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.
My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.
I have a bird
I like to hold.
My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.
And now my story is all told.


Is this like Super Heroes? In that case R2D2, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and the rest of the gang, TMNT, Korbin & Leeloo Dallas, Gambit (X-Men), Batman, SpidermanReal Heroes - God, Mom, Yoda, my 4th grade teacher whom I had a crush on, the Dogfish Head guy I've been inspired by a handful of musicians, but then they go and kill themselves, so I don't know if that makes them heroes.

My Blog

My So Called Life.

It has definitely been a while since I let anybody in on what's been going on in my life.  My relationship with Meghan is holding strong even through this busy semester (6 months on the 30th).&n...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:39:00 PST

I high fived The Boss today!

Today, a good friend, Daniel, received lousy news that his calculations that were the foundation of his entire experiment were off (although he ran them by the boss).  Hours later, my buddy, the ...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 03:41:00 PST

Bad Results = Good Results

So the other night I was up in the lab and I was thinking...everytime I try to get good results (high molecular weight polymer), I get bad results (low molecular weight polymer).  If you're inter...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 06:09:00 PST

I'm never going to graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can I say?  I want to get out of school!  I've been in straight since I was 3.  That is too long!  I'm done with classes for my Masters.  Ended up with a 3.9 GPA.  W...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 04:57:00 PST

Mexico for the New Year...Europe for the Summer!

  Last night I dreamt that I was beer-hunting in Europe (Belgium, Germany, G. Britain, Ireland).  Something I have been planning for some time.  So today, I have decided that ...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 08:29:00 PST it Evil?

This question seems to pop into my mind every year.  I don't know where this blog is going, but we'll see.  I consider myself a Christian, so there is a constant battle in my head between wh...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 08:55:00 PST

A in Organic & computer problems fixed!

Okay, my mood was accomplished, but now it is frustrated.  I just wrote a lot of stuff only to lose it by pushing the back button on my browser like it says not to in red letters!  Here's wh...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 08:18:00 PST

My head hurts...

My first blog ever.  We'll see how this goes...    Friday night I hung out with some old friends and had a killer time, until I found myself crashed into the brick sign of my old church...
Posted by Cr-Os-B=Y on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 12:50:00 PST