"Smorzando: Easily the best chunk of blown out depressive black metal weirdness so far this year!
[ ] the first release from Swiss outfit Smorzando, who craft a strange and haunting world of melancholy black metal, mixing the creepy drone-y miserablism of Burzum, with strange abstract post rock, and super blown out in the red production, creating something both black and brutal, fucked up and mysterious, with a super unique sound that is as much noise rock or post rock as it is black metal.[ ] One of our new favorite slabs of depressive doom drenched black metal misery for sure. [ ]"
- Aquarius Records: Highlights of the week, 25 July 2008
(Read the whole review on www.aquariusrecords.org ) Get Smrad here
Smrad : Auf - und Zugabe ins Geschehen
In spite of the overall appearance, Smrad was our tentative attempt of celebrating and giving in to the festive side of the bifurcating wholeness of music.
Popo-poiesis, the ug-BM-4tracker-way. Ex-pression, ex-pulsion, ex-sistence, ex-c. plain excreta and we hope - a little excitement too.
After a couple of tapes, which were spread amongst friends, “Smrad†is not only our current output but moreover the first and possibly last attempt to reach an interested audience. (Hence this very info page, its sole purpose is to propose a musical insight)
Concerning our MONICKER:
“Smorzando†is a technical term in music theory –
This hopefully dispels some of the recurring perplexities of the Italian audience.
http://www.midwinterrecords.com/ Enjoy.