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//miss messa*. but you can call me messa*.
--i'm too complex and you'll never understand me.
--first things first: there are four very important things you need to know about me before you take the plunge into my life.
-----1;;i'm moody as fuck.
-----2;;i get really jealous REALLY easily.
-----3;;i'm the biggest drama queen you'll ever meet.
-----4;;i'm sketchy as fuck.
--but here's the deal; i'm so fake it'll make you puke. i'm nothing like you think i am because i don't care enough about you to let you see who i really am. you're just as fake as i am only i'm better at hiding it. stop pretending that you live in what people like to call the "real" world. kthanks ;D love, //mess*
--my boy is my life, i love you baby.
--i say whats on my mind.
--if i [like] you today, i'll hate you tomorrow.
--i don't think you're special without good reason for thinking you are.
--i respect EVERYONE unless given a reason not to respect you. BUT you must remember just becase i respect you doesn't mean you can get away with anything.
--if you ever, EVER hurt one of my friends i'll slit your throat & watch you bleed.
--you still have to give me sometime to snap back to who i was a year ago, i'm still pretty fucked up.
--i'm done pretending, my life is coming back together and theres no more need to pretend.
--i'm in a rut.
--i'm not stuck up so leave a comment and i'll comment back
--my dogs are my life they're [beautiful]
--you make me weak in the knees, you make my stomach tie in knots, you make me want to throw up, but i don't care.
--but lets make it easy: i'm a girl. i have a name. & i have a mind. the end.