Friends, action, Music, Fighting, Flying away from what I know, cuz there has to be better out there....or at least I choose to believe that
There are two types of people I would really like to meet right now, the first type would be anyone who could seem to get me out of this damn funk I've fallen into, I'm beginning to think this feeling won't stop until something drastic happens in my life and I'm not willing to take the chance that said occurance won't hurt others I care about
The Second type would be anyone just like me, or someone who take me the hell out of this place with the epic adventures that TV, music, and movies have trained us to want, but again, the longer I live, the more apparent it is to me that these experences don't actually ever happen and it's leaving me with a dry empty feeling that I'm having a hard time ignoring
You Are 87% Gentleman
You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices!
Are You A Gentleman?
My 'View all Friends' link
anything that gives me the right feeling, it's hard to track, my taste changes, and yea, if it's in a diffrent language, fuckin deal, k?
Dawn of the dead Shawn of the dead Day of the dead Night of the living dead 28 days later V for Vendetta 300 Fight Club Office space DIE HARD DIE HARD 2 DIE HARDER DIE HARD 3 WITH A VENGENCE LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD
I watch way to much TV ScrubsFLCL South ParkDiscovery Eureka 7 Mythbusters Stuff on the internet
At this point I only have time to read what I'm assigned