Reptical Blame (VPS) profile picture

Reptical Blame (VPS)

About Me

Reptical Blame were created in 2004 ,when Chino(Eternal Hated) and Theo(Descending) met and decided to start a new wave metal band with mixed influences.The songs were ready and Hareas joined as a bassist and John as a drummer. With some good work and quite a few shows till the late 2007 Reptical Blame had built a remarkable reputation within Greece ,so a demo "Lifeless" was recorded for promotional reasons with good responce from the crowd in 2008(March). Unfortunately Chino and John left the band a couple of months later in order to create something new.So everything that was planned about some big shows was cancelled and 2 new members joined the band to start over again ,Corehead as vocalist and Panahs(ex-Bloodstains)as a drummer. The band is currently trying to concentrate on the new goals which are to start gaining its power and crowd back with no interruptions this time.Stay tuned!

My Interests


Member Since: 31/10/2007
Band Website: This is our website...
Band Members: -
Influences: As Blood Runs Black Bring Me The Horizon Lamb Of God Machinemade God Job For a Cowboy Neaera
Sounds Like:



(2008) Including Tracks :1. World Of Brutality2. Lifeless3. Still Remains
Record Label: Minerva Frape Music

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