Persevere, be constructive and help your fellow faulty skin sacks!
An odd yet distinctive pint with a sharp head, followed by many flavour-some infusions, distilled in Bristol.
This brew is digested aurally as opposed to orally.
You could try to digest music orally, but we have not yet seen this accomplished. You could also try and consume a pint aurally but this may reduce the quality of future listening pleasure.
Mixing ingredients Bassett and Evans: Pint O’ Spirits has been brewing in a flat in Stokes Croft, Bristol since April 2007. Pint O’ Spirits finally attained maturity by adding a generous helping of Spiller in April 08.
Our first CD 'Brewed' was recorded with Alan Smyth at his 2Fly Studios in Sheffield (Aug '08). After throwing this 3 track EP around for a year, we returned to 2fly, pepped with a glazed experience of the music world to recorded a 2 track CD titled "Pour It In Your Ears" containing an up-to-date distillation of our sound.
The name Pint O’ Spirits materialised one drunken evening after coming to the conclusion that; drinking a pint of vodka is not a good idea, over thinking things of a spiritual matter is not a good idea and that listening to boring, non-dynamic, linear music is not a good idea either!
A Pint O’ Spirits is a reminder to attempt to attain a balance. Although we are still giving ourselves many an opportunity to fail especially at weekends and after gigs.
CD's are available to buy with artwork
for anyone who wants to caress the shiny exterior of our music!
(£2 each + Postage)
Pour It In Your Ears!
Like your average punter, we are looking for some trouble / something interesting / exposure, throw something our way (preferably not a broken bottle).
[email protected]