My persona revolves around knowledge of self, grappling, adventure, music, and those damn Palomino twins!My Ace/Pain in the @$$/Hero
I'm a geek at heart actually but I'm from the projects and I'm naturally athletic. I dig science fiction, guns, and tattoos. I have one half sleeve of tattos and I will be gettting my other arm done as well as my shoulders and a quote across my back. I'm all about philisophical teachings and studying religion. I'm Black and Puerto Rican and that's where my pride kicks in. I'm unique. There's no one like me.
Belladonna, Sasquatch, the Illuminati, and the Christ. .. ......
My favorite flick is Hook. Laugh at me. Its cool. Shit Id laugh.
I dont really watch T.V. any more but I will catch Adult Swim from time to time as well as Chappelle Show.
Me pretty much at the age of 15
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I don't really have a favorite book but I do read non fiction novels as well as conspiracy theories. You can still catch me reading comic books. Laugh. Its funny. I know it is.