German and Italian Cars
Sportbikes and Dirtbikes
Mechanical Engineering
pwning nubs
Anyone interested in having fun and following through with plans.WHY GIRLS SHOULD DATE DIRTBIKERS:1) They have strong fingers. 2) They always know when to slow down and speed up. 3) They have tremendous stamina and endurance. 4) They always wear proper protection. 5) They have the fastest 'lap' times. 6) They know how to work their tools. 7) They love getting dirty. 8) The harder and faster they go the better. 9) They know how to work around tight areas with ease. 10) They're always practicing so they can become better . 11) They like 2 strokes and 4 strokes. 12) They ride hard. 13) They have good rhythm. 14) They always finish even if they are hurt. 15) They make sure we ride as good as they practice. 16) When they ride they never stay in one position. 17) They like to ride as often as they can. 18) Once they start, they dont stop until we cross the finish.
rock and most of its variants
Shooter, Dumb and Dumber
COPS, Survivorman, Man vs Wild, The Office, South Park, Family Guy, Rob and Big, The Colbert Report
I don't like reading much at all
Mark Erickson
Coily the spring sprite
Tiff Needel