Tcha Limberger profile picture

Tcha Limberger

Violin, guitar, vocals, flutes, clarinet...

About Me

This myspace will be checked 'once-in-a-while' by a friend of Tcha... and Tcha will also 'every-now-and-then' check things out.
Tcha also asked to deny all friendrequests of musical styles like rockdrumandbassrandbpophiphopbeattechnoetcetcetc... so I will.
if you want to contact Tcha you'de better mail to him personally instead of leaving messages in his inbox.
[email protected]
Comments are still welcome ofcourse...
Tcha Limberger was born into a musical family of old, with each member playing musical instruments (his grandfather was the legendary Piotto Limberger). His Manouch tzigane father, Vivi Limberger, and his Flemish-born mother Lut Bruyneel each inducted him into their own culture.
As a young boy, Tcha was bent on becoming a flamenco singer. Aged twelve, he started out on the clarinet, joining the family orchestra, the Piottos. In due course, he swapped the flamenco guitar for a Django guitar, learning how to play with the likes of Koen De Cauter and Fapy Lafertin as he went along. At the instigation of Dick Vanderharst and Herman Schamp to name just two, he learned how to analyse music, considerably widening his horizons in the process.
When Tcha turned seventeen, he took up the violin and by the time he was twenty-one, he left for Budapest where he took classical and zigane musical classes from Horvat Bela.
Following his return, he went on to play in or set up a number of orchestras, making quite a few recordings as a freelance instrumentalist...

My Interests


Member Since: 10/31/2007
Band Members:

You can hear Tcha play with a.o.:
the Piottos, Koen De Cauter, Dick Van der Harst, Fapy Lafertin, Herman Schamp, AKA Moon, Romani, Boros Lajos, Biréli Lagrène, Myrddin, Robi Lakatos, Bas Kooijman, Ambrozijn, Radio Lume, Stochelo Rosenberg, Wannes Van de Velde, Robin Nolan, Myriam Fux, Va Fan Fahre, Patricia Beysens, Alexandre Cavalieri, Neti Sandor, Taraf de Haidouks...
Influences: Gipsy music from all over the world
Jazz; from old to new
Classical music, and contemporary classical music
Traditional music from all over the world...
Sounds Like: Some records with Tcha:

Romani - De Cauter - Limberger

Terug - Koen De Cauter

Tussen Hemel en Aarde - Herman Schamp

Ombre et Lumiere - Waso Quartet

Rosas - Lollo Meier

Gipsy Passion - De Piotto's

DjanGo! - De Cauter, Lafertin, Saussois...

Wat vroeger was is nu voorbij - Dick Van der Harst

VSPRS - Fabrizio Cassol

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None