MAN THIS IS REAL TALK HERE! Close your eyes... And go back...Before the Internet or the AIMBefore semi automatics and weedBefore playstation2 or X-bOXBefore the 5 hours of homework you put off every night.....Way back...I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk.Red light, Green light.Playing kickball & dodgeball until your porch light came on.Mother May I?Red Roverfour squareHula HoopsRunning through the sprinklerHappy MealsGetting the privelage to sit in the front seat of the carWait...Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoonsLike Hey Arnold and DougRecessOr what about legends of the hidden temple, global guts, double dare, bloody mary and who, ARE YOU AFFRAID OF THE DARK!Who could forget SnickOr the teenage mutant ninja turtles, scooby doo, and Power Rangers,Christmas morning...Your first day of schoolBedtime Prayers and Goodnight KissesClimbing treesGetting an ice cream off the ice cream truck (the real ice cream truck w/ cones & banana splits)A million mosquito bites and sticky fingersJumpin' down the stepsJumpin' on the bedPillow fightsRunnin' till you were out of breathLaughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you almost peed your pantsLaughing so hard that you did pee your pantsBeing tired from playin' all dayYour first crush...Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads down 7-Up" & "King chase the Queen" in the classroomRemember that?I'm not finished yet...Kool-Aid & Icee Cups was the drink of the summerGiving your friends a ride on your handlebars or spokesWearing your new shoes on the first day of schoolClass Field TripsWhen nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there.When getting high was swinging on the swing-setWhen $5 seemed like a million, and another dollar a Miracle.When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were so cool.When Toys r Us overuled the "mall"I want to go back to the time when...Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe"Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!""Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "monopoly"Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire eveningIt wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.Saying cuss words were referred to the "F, B or S - word" or h-e double hockey sticks.Being old, referred to anyone over 20.The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.The only real heart break you had was when your mom wouldnt buy you that new toyNobody was prettier than MomNobody was cooler than DadScrapes and bruises were kissed and made betterIt was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big people" rides at the amusement park.Getting an inch of snow was a dream come true.Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare"Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown up" life...If this helped u stop thinkin bout stuff in college, that's already gettin on yo nerves, write on my wall "I needed that" i double dog dare you
I like to listen to all kinds of music except country.
Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, both by Dan Brown. I also enjoyed Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and the Harry Potter books were pretty good as well.
In other words... ME... lol... j/k I'm not THAT self involved...