At the tender age of four, I was sold away from my cold, uncaring family into the hands of rich plantation owners, and thusly, doomed to a life of prostitution and farm work.The former payed off, however, and I was able to seduce the plantation owner into letting me go, in exchange for rough anal sex every night for 40 nights.After returning victorious to the home of my forefathers, I burned down their house and pissed on the ashes, all while mutilating their fresh corpses. The result was the most satisfying rush of sexual pleasure I have ever experienced. After a quick rape or two, I threw the corpses into the fire, washed my hands, and settled down in the suburbs of Detroit, where there was no shortage of naive adolescents just waiting to be conquered. And conquer them I did.My name is Evan Braun.
My Friends
I have Too many friends.
Alex ♥
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By Hayley..."Ode To Kiley"Oh Kiley, my Kiley, You dress like a pirate, And then you deny it, You wear your clothes real cool, But I think it's only to fool, If you could get away with it, You'd wear ducktape dresses that fit, With newspaper underwear, Or is there ever anything under there?