I could make this fairly boring and say that I am a musician, writer, and a recording guy.
Or I could have some fun with this.
With the double bass, I am classically trained, but I like to play jazz, even though I don't really know the histories of jazz musicians. When it comes to piano, I'm an improvist, and I would wish that I'd have more time/chance to practice. I do know how to play a lot of other instruments because I used to be in music education. I found it too stressful because I am legally deaf in my left hear. What you say? I could be considered a theory buff. When it comes to written theory, I can do it in my sleep - and I have answered questions in class while asleep.
I have some fairly ambitious plans in the works. As a writer, I feel that you can't just write a story, but you must also craft the story. It is a world to be crafted, and if you don't fully understand the world, the reader will know. I've yet to finalize the first book, I have a small library worth left to finish the series.
I'm a videographer and audiographer. I'm still getting started, but I have done many students and a few professors . . . and helped with a wedding.
I'm an RPG adict, I play video game RPGs during the summer, and DND/D20 modern/what ever during the winter. I finished Star Ocean: Till The End of Time this summer, and I have a craving growing to play through Chrono Trigger again before playing through the FF games and finishing with a Xenosaga fest.
I'm sailing the chaotic seas of life!