JAN PAREDES profile picture


once you master the basics, you be unbeatable...

About Me

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Something you might want to know...
-I'm a Christian and God is my hero! ;]
-I express my mood through the song playing on my profile. Or I just like the song.
I'm Tynuh's Filipino Tofu or Mr. Flip Dork =), I'm Anna's sweet ecstasy drug, Sara is my Asian Doll, I'm Katrina's lumpia head, anddd I'm Jodelyn's leche! ;]
-I change songs everyday.
-I am deaf.
-I go to summer school for EXTRA!!! not cuz i failed =]
-I am nice and quiet person.
-My current GPA is 3.66 [ no joke, did well on the finals :D ]
-Don't copy my layout or making it obvious.
-Yes, it will probably take me a while to reply..depending. It doesn't mean I won't respond, i most likely will.
The pictures on my myspace don't look like me in real life lol. I'm one of those people who LOOK BETTER ON MYSPACE hahaah :) heyyy wells my name is Jan. My last name is Paredes. It's a Filipino/Spanish last name. I have no idea how i got it lol. I am currently sixteen years old. My birthday is on Jan 16. I go to Washington high school as a Sophomore. I'm a proud Christian and i go to CCF (Calvary Chapel Fremont), and i think you should go and you won't regret it!!! lol, Hmm i am very clumsy and uhh dorky. I'm not so smart. I also hate my handwriting I'll be lucky enough if I get into UC.... I like Dance Dance Revolution. I don't play it much often anymore well because my pad is somewhere and I don't have DDR on my computer no more hahaha. I'm in the Interact and Youth Alive club at my school. I volunteer all the time. I would like to be a something that's has to do w/ medical or pharmacies when I'm older. I'm getting my license this year.. I haven been practicing at all...im going to fail haha. Hmmm wells what else to say.. I like to make new friends.. lol But it's hard for me to make new friends.. I'm quite a shy person. But i don't seem shy lol.. hahaha and I don't really like being in a crowd or a group of people.. lol Hmm.. my attire? I wear mostly Ecko.. the usual stuff. casual wear. I have grammar issues and spelling... problems lol hahaha, hmm what else...
Likes to watch movies, Let see... I can't tag... I don't play sports.. wells only for fun... but I don't play it for school. I used to be addicted to myspace a lot but this year it seems like no one even goes on myspace. It's kinda boring now lol but somehow I just keep going back on and on on on. lol, Hmm, sometimes I'm insecure.... people think I'm conceited because I think I'm cute... but honestly I really think I'm ugly :)
I just say I'm cute so i can feeeeeeeeeel better. But I'm not stuck up or self centered. I always think of others first. But anyways that's it for nowwwwws haha wow long about me?
aim ask me =]
I have special powers, eating and sleeping lol.
im a Christian and go to church every Wednesday and Sunday
i sarcastic, a lot i like to eat, eat, eat and EAT!
im born in the Philippines in 1991 at home, not hospital. interesting huh?
i love to run/jog 2-3 miles a day
i weight more than 140 pounds
i have high metabolism but if i ever come to your house, i..ll clean your fridge out!!
i take a lot of pictures
i love working out
i suck at sports
im more Asian than Filipino lol
im not a smart kid
i hate my hair, need haircut!!
i support my friends in need
im probably the most quietest person you..ll met, unless you know me very well, then i..ll probably talk a lot!
i love taking honors and ap classes :] good for the brain.
i love to listen music, especially slow jams and rb, but if im a hyper mode i probably listen to rap lol.
i love to write, im actually a writer...
i have the ugliest handwriting ever
i have two hearing aids (both ears) why? my nervous system damage, it suddenly happened when i was 7 =[.
i love to make new friends.
im the shyest.
yes, i do photoshop!
i can act like your best friend or your enemy, your choice
i love to sleep, a LOT!
my favorite subject are english, biology, and history.
my worse subject is MATH!!! same as Jodelyn:]
i love to listen music, literally it keeps me calm...
i have bad grammar and spelling problems
i prefer to text than talking on the phone
i have no dad, i live w/ my mom. single parent
i can be the most craziest person you..ll ever met!
i receive bunch of comments everyday :]
i don't play video games much
yes, i have 22.. inches monitor! suckaa
and yes, i have a laptop
im a spoiled brat lol
i can be clumsy and stupid at times
i never had braces
i hate when i have no money
i seriously need a job
my favorite color is blue
my eye color is brown.
i have Asian hair
im skinny but eats A LOT
i can actually drive
hate waking up in the morning.
hate being late to school or other places
i sleep w/ no shirt on (most of the time
i hate people who are stupid
i play flute as an intrument but i quit :<[br /> i love to wear shorts!
i wear mostly ecko...
i have more than 1000 pictures on my photobucket!
my ipod is broken
my favorite pen color is black
i exel in DDR (play w/ me sometime!)
i love to watch movies
i am officially random person
i can be "out of the blue"
im single and ready to mingle yaaa?
i hate getting pimples...
i wash my face day and night everyday
im tan
i wear hat only when i hate a bad hair day lol
i say "lol" many times
yes i do have aim. hollaaa?
aiight im done...
Sara [asian doll]
heh...what to say about jan...
let's see...i first met him during band camp the summer before our freshman year. it was kind of weird at first cuz it was like "wth is this guy doing on guard?" but then i found out that he's mike and jenny's cousin and i started talking to him. he was a bit shy, but ended up being really cool. he was always smiling and laughing and was looking to just have fun. :] who doesn't like a guy who tries to enjoy life?
well, we've been keeping in touch online via myspace and aim. haha. we're such addicts. :D but i got to know him a lot more, so who cares? hehe. he's always managed to make me smile. jan's also a super sweet and caring guy. he can always tell when i'm feeling down and does his best to cheer me up. and it usually works. :]
so i'm gonna end my rambling, and just end with saying how great this guy is. if you don't already, talk to him and find out for yourself! haha.
your asian doll loves you jan! ♥ (we still need to hang out. haha)
ANNA [ecstasy drug]
why hello there you!!! =] my name is Anna. and i'm here to talk to u a little about my boy Jan. =] wells. all i noe really is that his name is Jan Paredes. he is a sophmore at Washington high school. has a hearing-aid. is a nerrd who is lazy. is really good at ddr . very holy christian boy. goes to church a lot. and he has a mean mommy. HAHA!!! this guy is so nice. seriously helluh nice, sweet, and jus so awesome. love him tah death!!! =] i havent known him for that long, but ever since he and i started talking frequently, we've become helluh close.
so i met this awesome pinoy thro myspace. =] i saw his through somebody's myspace and saw that he likes to smile and so i was like "o cool. he seems cool." so i added him. and we werent really talking at first, but later on we started talking. first time i talked to him on aim, it was for HEKKUH long. we were talking about all these random things on youtube. watching all these funny videos. and started talking about how weird Bjork is. =] ever since that day, we've been talking at least once a week when he can go online. haha. and when we dont talk, he still on my mind everyday. i love him so much. he is my addiction. if u look on his myspace, i am described as his "ECSTASY DRUG" so heres the story of that. i told him that i was "i'm addic addic addicted to you. and i want it and i need it. i'm addicted to you!" and then i said he was like a drug to me. and so i wanted to specify the drug, so i looked up "drugs" under google images and i saw a bunch of colors and was like "ooo!!!" and then i found out it was ecstasy. so i was like "Jan is my ecstasy drug!" bcuz it comes in different colors like skittles. lolx. yes. i am very weird. well yea. he ended up saying i was the same. so thats how we are each other's ecstasy drug. =]
although Jan may not be the PERFECT guy he is still a really great guy that i do not regret adding and i bet u wont either. he is such a kind hearted funny guy. he can get my confused and say some pretty damn stupid things, but he is still so amazingly cool. i love him, and he keeps me positive. he may not always noe wat to say, but i noe i can talk to him. he always makes me smile. i love him and will forever. so to everybody out there reading this, if u havent added him yet, WHAT YOU WAITING FOR??? ADD HIM ALREADY!!! and to all those who already noe Jan, never let him go as a friend, bcuz this boy is unique. =] i love you my ecstasy drug!!!♥
JODELYN [leche]
hello!! this be jodie speaking for my awesome friend JAN. yup! :D so lets see here, I met jan during freshman yr in pe, and we didnt talk much cuz there was NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. the conversations were like "hi jan." "hi." (end of convo). haha :P but as time went by, and we found that we had lots in common, we began havin lots of convos, and sum of them were juss nonsense. lol I gotta tell you guys that Jan is extremely easy to talk to. he's outgoing, caring, he'll stick up for you, and you can trust him with anything. your secret is safe with him. anyways. ladies this handsome man is SINGLE. holla yesss?? go ahead ;D just watch your limits with him.
okay I..ll do some basics now. he..s a Sophomore at WHS, yup. but lemme tell u.. JAN IS REAL he'll say what he wants, but it's NEVER anything negative. he..s ALWAYS there for his Friends :] & like I said earlier, he's really easy to talk to. he's really good with advice & stuff like that. anyways, FIL IPI NO blood runs through his veins. came fro the PHI LIP PINES which make him a T RU E PI N OY he..s so COOL he makes ICE CUBES jealous haha :P
hmm.. what else? well he makes me happy becuz I know that he's there & I never have to worry about being alone cuz he..s a MYSPACE FREAK!!! & when I comment him, his replies are there a minute later =P! but hey dont f*** with Jan or else I..ll bash your face into a water fountain! :[ okay??
TEENA [sweet lumpia]
this is teena, talkin about my friend JAN!! i jus met jan this year (soph year). i dont really remember how we met (sorry jan) but i think it was either during bio class or thru myspace =] .... we'r both myspace freaks n mayb thats when it started our friendship. although i havent known jan for that long, he's like one of the coolest guys i've ever met. he's really nice (bcuz he's always friendly), thoughtful (bcuz he's always thinking about other ppl's needs), helpful (bcuz he helps me with hw =P), & creative wit myspace LoL!! i'm always amazed of how jan does his layouts and photoshopped pictures hehehe!! Overall, i love this guy....i love talkin to him during class n passing periods. we hav alot in common which makes our conversations more interesting. Love ya 4ever, n ever n ever ever ever! XP!!
Jan, where do i start with this guy. Theres absolulety nothing negative i can throw towards him or about him. Hes just so laid back and chilled. When i met this guy i honeslty thought he was just one of those guys that says a hello, goodbye thing.. but no it wasnt like that.. he always had a smile on everyday and would always talk to me to get to know me.. i didnt open up to him much but when i did.. i realized how much i cared for him.. He really means a lot to me as my friend and yes he does remind me of a brother because of the fact that he has always been there for me when i needed it the most and i could talk to him about anything and he wouldnt mind like other people would. Thats when i realized how lucky i was to find a friend like him.. He would probably be the best person to talk to and hang out with cuz its always fun when i do.. Hes very down to earth, laid back, honest person ive ever met. without him.. id probably more stressed then now because to me his words seem so easy to understand and with other people its like what are they talkin about.. he simple wit his own personality and i love him fo that!! =D Love Ya Jan!!
Well Greetings there dear reader. blah blah blah... Okay that was a stupid lame hullo. Anyways .kate.chang. here. I am online and talking about not me...but one of my best friends Jan - Man -! I only met he once. And that was the last day of school before the end of my Graduating Senior Year. But even though I have only met him twice I feel like I know he much longer than that. He is more that a simply a 'friend' he is always someone worth talking to not to mention have a comment whore competition with. Jan is always worth a laugh. I hope to see him again really soon. But who knows...we talk to each other practically every day and the intresting part is we always find something new to discuss. Like a brother Jan is always there when you need to talk to someone. :]Thanks Jan for being more than just a friend but another brother I can talk to, argue and not to mention fight with. Love You!
HEEYY this is Jan's good friend Shannon. Jan is the sweeeetest boy you will ever meet. He is nice&kind and honest. Jan is hellOF funny too! I love having PE with this kid because he keeps me company and I can talk to him about anything. Jan is awesome because he doesn't care about how you look. He will be friends with anyone who is nice to him, and thats what I love about him. This kid is AMAZING & I love him like 827982650293874650923456 jillions bunches much!! Jan is like a brother to me and dont mess with him or I'll fuck up your FACE! ♥

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I hope you know just how much I love you. I regret doing what i did, but i see now that i can't live without you. You are my one and only.
"You gave me back my smile."