skin touching skin. movies with gore. the night sky. tattoos. cooking. talking. being outside. camping. fire. beards. jameson. hand holding. dancing. italian food. animals. driving.
i'm not looking for anybody anymore.
lemuria. radiohead/thom yorke. cake. brand new. thrice/dustin kensrue. nine inch nails. the mars volta. ben folds. the arcade fire. the decemberists. wolfmother. death cab for cutie. metric. led zeppelin. cursive. rx bandits. sparta. tv on the radio. every time i die. fiona apple. incubus. coheed & cambria. counting crows. kate nash. mxpx. modest mouse. tegan & sara.
final fantasy vii. the boondock saints. the devil's rejects. v for vendetta. across the universe.
cowboy beebop . family guy. futurama.
brave new world. the phantom tollbooth. welcome to the monkey house.
reading: franny & zooey by j.d. salinger
the darkest evening of the year by dean koontz