~Dani Girl~ profile picture

~Dani Girl~

I am here for Friends

About Me

okay i thought i'd change things up a bit. Damn that last "about me" was pretty long, not to mention TMI. So if there's anything you want to know just ask.

My Interests

*my nonu*hanging out with family & friends*my boy heiny*my F-150*sooo wanting a Dodge Ram...damn you bestest**tattoos*taking Heiny to the beach*stroll patrol*my homies*my bestest*not knowing what to do on lunches*big trucks*fast cars*LOUD cars*my new found interest-BIKES**tattoos*my blueberry vitamin water*singing karaoke*my bvlackberry*shooting pool*"good morning" texts*shooting darts*southern comfort*friday night drags*shots*delivered coffee*text messages*coffee beanery lunches*manies*pedies*cranberry juice*texas holdem*my rugrat neices & nephews*late night text company*my sisters**tattoos*BBQ's*PARTY-Q's*hang out sessions*pick on ____ days*movies*ice cream*mr. brown*anything coffee*dvds*inside jokes*my TEAM*alone time*"me" time*homie time*BB messenger*lunches at the beach with my homies*my MOT-Q*gossip smoke breaks*their stories*their drama*coffee sessions with my girlies**tattoos*teasing my homies*teasing my bestest*them teasing me*my "ringleader" nickname*my shades*my camera*my "evidence"*my thumbdrive*blutooth*my new BLACKBERRY*credit justifications*my scandalous friends*data track*my black pen*my Tiffany charm bracelet*and did i mention **tattoos**?

I'd like to meet:

more than anything in the world my brother DERICK GEROME and my sister DAVEEN CHARITY. I love and miss you both so very much.One day our time will come and our paths will cross, but until then please know that I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU every single day of my life.


just love them oldies


*Madea Goes to Jail*13 Going on 30*Kings of Comedy*Queens of Comedy*White Chicks*Pretty in Pink*Shaft*Urban Cowboy*Mystic Pizza*Chronicles of Riddick*A Man Apart*Exit Wounds*Four Brothers*Million Dollar Baby*Diary of a Mad Black Woman*Madea's Family Reunion*The Breakfast Club*A Walk to Remember*The Brothers*The Best Man*Boat Trip*Fast and the Furious*2 Fast 2 Furious*Biker Boys*Torque*Dodgeball*Sweet Home Alabama*Sixteen Candles*St. Elmo's Fire*The Last American Virgin*Mask*Savannah Smile*Little Mermaid*Lion King*


*A shot at Love~Tila Tequila*Cold Case*CSI*Dog the Bounty Hunter*Ice Road Truckers*Deadliest Catch*AFV*The RW/RR Challenges*America's Next Top Model*Everyday Italian*Hman Weapon*George Lopez*Miami Ink*LA Ink*Ninja Warrior*American Chopper*Ultimate Fighter*The Girls Next Door* and totally hooked on ONE TREE HILL


Not much of a reader but if it catches my attention...sure i'll read.


I'd have to say my **MOMMY** and my **DADDY**, although they are in a better place they have taught me so much about life. Looking back on how my mommy was to people, I now live my life to it's fullest. People just loved her. She was practically the backbone that kept our family together and was always THE PEACEMAKER. She'd always put smiles on peoples faces. She was not just my mom but my best friend. I could tell her anything & everything. My daddy died when i was 10 years old but i remember when i was younger he'd take me in the morning to buy chocolate milk and a chocolate donut to eat for breakfast. i remember him telling me that when i turned 16 he was going to buy me my first car, unfortunately he never got the chance to see me turn 16, but i know he's up there somewhere watching over me. I have lots of fond memories of my dad, but now that i am older i just wish that he was here with me longer, physically, to see me grow up and be proud of having me as a daughter. Without them i would'nt be the person i am today....I LOVE YOU MOMMY and DADDY!! We'll be together again someday.

My Blog

My True Friends

You all know who you are, and if you're wondering if you are one then you may not be one at all. I just want you all to know that i hold each and everyone of you close to my heart. Aside from my famil...
Posted by ~Dani Girl~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:37:00 PST

Why me?

Okay just throwing some random thoughts out there... Doesnt it suck when you're caught in the middle of some major drama?? I mean i dont mind at all i just honestly think this stuff is hella funny. L...
Posted by ~Dani Girl~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:28:00 PST