sHe'S cOmPliMeNt tO mi sWaGg~sWaGg tEaM~ profile picture

sHe'S cOmPliMeNt tO mi sWaGg~sWaGg tEaM~

"Their quarterback has a strong arm and their receivers catch everything that's thrown to them!,'' D

About Me

Wuz up people!!!My name is D.J. Im a junior at tha great Northside High School! I play football, basketball, baseball, track, and im Junior class President! so im pretty atheletic, and down fo da SENIOR class of "09"! im a nice guy if you know me or not, so if ya wanna holla at me bout wuteva im right here all day everyday! and i wanna give a special shout out to Tom, we wouldnt be here witout him, dats ma Wigga! you go Tommy Boy!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Temptations, me and my boys from Briarwood love thier music,and I'd like to meet you!!!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


Rap, My Favorite artist is the one and only Kanye West.()><()<>me and unCle Heavy, aka boosie jiggin uncle! LoLGO HEAVY!!! LoL he go too hard!!! mi big dog puddy! LoLThe newest edition!!! Look @ dude huh! lt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">goodRodj


Remember the Titans, Antoine Fisher, Hustle & Flow, and the Pursuit of HappYness




Monster,by:some dude.. im not a big reader.

My Blog

Week two Vikings Spring Football

week two of the northside vikings was a success! in week two the vikings had a few key players return to the gridiron from the state track meet: aaron sassau, CB, keenan jackson,CB, ridge wilson,RB, a...
Posted by sHe'S cOmPliMeNt tO mi sWaGg~sWaGg tEaM~ on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:36:00 PST

Week 1 Vikings spring football

well, the northside vikings are back at it again! during the first week of spring football, the vikings hit the ground running; to be expected! on the defensive side of the ball, LB, Jacarde Carter wa...
Posted by sHe'S cOmPliMeNt tO mi sWaGg~sWaGg tEaM~ on Thu, 08 May 2008 07:33:00 PST