I’m amie louise mcallister and I am 19
tall people say im small…
Interests, you could say;
Friends, obv. Family. My Boyfriend Jonny :]. Photography. My camera. Art. Design. Kitsch. Colour. Music. Monkeys. Pygmy marmoset monkeys to be exact. Memories. Photographs. Eyes. Letters. Messages. Texts. Shiny things. Blue. Makeup. Jewellery. Mints. Tesco. fruit. Money. Freebee’s. Accessories. Shoes. Subway vouchers. Sun. Sunglasses. Holidays. Bargains.
Fucking blarghh;
Fish. Red sauce. Rain. Boredom. Bad moods. Lies. 19.
Celebrating the fact that I am employed :D
Studying Graphic Design
Looking forward to going on a summer holiday with my friends!
Amie McAllister http://amiemca.bebo.com/