®@Y of Fµ©I<ING §µn$HïÑ£ profile picture

®@Y of Fµ©I&lt;ING §µn$HïÑ£

You must limit yourself on the sweet things in life cause the agony to wait makes them that much mor

About Me

Free MySpace Layouts and Free MySpace Stuff MySpace Graphics / Free WallpapersSo I've done it. For those who didn't know. I haved enlisted in the Air Force and leave for basic on August 5th. It's a big step in my life and one I am happy to make. I haven't been happy in my position since coming back to Buffalo. I have felt like I have been just going through the motions and those who know me know I need to be challenged or I won't be around for long. I hope to get a chance to hang out with all my friends and have some great times before I take off. So don't be shy to drop me a line and let me know if you want to hang out.

My Interests

Musac, hittin the gym, writing,
Myspace Countdown Clocks at WishAFriend.com

I'd like to meet:

Aaron Lewis of Staind and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam


Create a playlist with this song on imeem
Staind, Pearl Jam, Boy Hits Car, Alice in Chains, Sevendust, Allman Brothers, Incubus, Chris Brown, David Gray, A perfect circle, tool, Bloodhound Gang, Busta, Kenye West, Bun B, Cassidy, Charlie Wilson.................................. Fuck man anything but country!!!!!


Fear and Loathin in Las Vegas, Once Upon a time in Mexico, All freddy, jason, and hellraiser films, Reservoir Dogs, and Gone in 60 Seconds


Family Guy, American Dad, Law and Order SVU.


the anne rice vampire chronicles, Blue Moon, philosophy books, The Divinci Code, Art books

My Blog

Throw It All Away

my mind a landslide again gaining speeds as it descendsrushing for a place to spin a thought that it can't comprehendeverythings against my will I knowshould I just take a chance and throw it all away...
Posted by ®@Y of Fµ©I<ING §µn$HïÑ£ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:31:00 PST