danae profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

a junior-high student gal livign with my family and a cat, an old 13-year old Birman. i am one of the few girls at school who don't wear makeup yet. yup. a lot of girls at school already wear makeup and they look way older. me, lip gloss and face moisturizers are what i bring to school. but the face accessory i can't live most without is chap stick. well, anyway, that's a whole different story. i hate bugs, especially spiders because they have all these little legs and baby spiders can get in your ear. i know someone whose ear became "a temporary home" to some innocent little baby spider.people say i'm a good drawer. :P yes, really! i just get all shy and my cheeks blush and all. i dunno why, but sometimes i don't really like my drawings. like i mess up, and people say they're nice. i don't understand. :(sometimes i can be funny, sometimes i can be boring, and sometimes i can even be very miserable. but that's up to you .... :)

My Blog


ok, i'm getting my ears pierced soon. if i'm a good math student - i have a two-day math session -- then i can get my ears pierced. there's not much to talk about. if school was in right now, i'd be b...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:26:00 GMT

ear piercing ... a scary thought :P

i'm one of the few girls who doesn't have their ears pierced. my parents didn't get my ears pierced when i was a baby -- like most people i know who have their ears pierced --, and ever since i'm too ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jul 2004 13:44:00 GMT

just the beginning ... maybe even the end :P

well, ok, i just started using my space. well, there's not much to talk about, is there? :P i just helped out at my church's VBS ... i helped out with the 3-5 year olds. they were cute ... but there w...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jul 2004 18:06:00 GMT