laughing at my own jokes, showers, vodka, saying 'get up for it', sleeping, old school Maltings, Tabasco Sauce, most music, VO5 hair stuff, Radio 1, Strongbow, the Warehouse, Magners (most alcohol in general), MSN, Super Noodles, sunny days, random things, Miss Nicholson, MP3 players, coffee, Newcastle united, Family Guy, The Little Vic, The Vic, late nights, Lynx, payday, Making up my own words and sayings, Final Fantasy, stunning women, most of all Paramore, putting fulled by (and then a topic matter) in my MSN name ~ theres loads more i'll add them when i think of them.
Spinning out, being hungover, fish, fish pie, ocean pie, salmon all fish is rough!! early mornings, BO, eggs, less than 4 hours sleep, spinny kids TV, golf, Man united, Jack Daniels, local radio, having no money, microwave meals, classical music, dodgy documentaries, old people, dairy products (they full on trump), wine, local brapppppp boys, ralphing, my boss, work in general, insurance adverts and most of all alarm clocks how annoying is their noise first thing in the morning!
well im generally quite easy to get along with, i can pretty much talk about anything random so feel free to message me!..