I am a man of many interest. There are really to many to name, but here are a few: Motorcycles....Building, repairing, modifying. Computers, Books, history, COOKING(I love to do it!!!!!) Politics, Our financial infrastructure, or my lack thereof. You get the picture. Like I said, I am a man of many interests. I cannot limit myself to just a few. There is so much learning that must still take place.
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Jazz, R&B, HipHop, Dub, Reggae style, ROCK, Metal, Punk. Yeah, I said it. (Man of many interest) including music. Some Country, i like the older stuff from the 80's and early 90's. The new country just sounds like watered down pop. Of course classical. I like just about anything as long as I can understand it.
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The Five Heartbeats, Snatch, anything with Jessica Alba. Sci-Fi, Action, comedies. I get into some of the oldies. You know, the black and white ones. I love the Blackploitation movies. They really make you appreciate great actors. Some of these brothers and sisters wre not.
CARTOONS: BOOMERANG: The Justice League, The Boondocks, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Thundercats with evil ass Mum Ra The Evere Living, Voltron: Defender of the Universe. CSI...Of course Las Vegas.... Ain't nobody got nothing on Grisom,WWE RAW, Doctor Who (the old and new series), Stargate SG-1, 2 Wheel Tuesday, Super Bikes, The Power Block on Saturday. Thank goodness for DVR's. Jesse is so sexy(Extreme 4X4), My favorite....... .....Nip/Tuck. That damn show is addictive. I hate to miss an episode. Man I wanna go to south Beach. There are so many more. Like I said," thank goodness for DVR's.
Books by Walter Mosley, Keith B. Richburg, Iceberg Slim(Robert Beck). Already read Bill Clinton My Life, Zane Sex Chronicles. Anything about my heritage. The true history of the United States. Self-Help and Do-it-Yourself, Anne Rice, the Boondocks series of Books. I dig history. remember your history so you don't repeat it in the future.
My ancestors that fought for equal rights and gave their lives to the opressors of the late 19th century and the early 20th century. The United States Marines and other service members that laid down their lives in battle so that we may have the freedom to be on Myspace.