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Help... The Plants Are Attacking...!!!

There's nothing better than a CUPPA...

About Me

Ok, so I sat down to re-write this thing and I got stuck. It's not easy trying to say who you are as a person. Then it hit me...

I will do a brief history of my life (in 5 minutes or so...)
Here goes then...
January 16th 1980
I was born in Hedon Road Maternity Hospital to Jean and David Lent.
January 17th 1980
I was sent back because I wouldn't stop crying and they changed their minds about me.
September 1983
I started pre-school and bumped into a people who I ended up knowing for the next 10 years or so...
September 1985
It happened, I started Primary School at a little old place called Priory Primary. My innocence had gone, my childhood stolen and "Life as we know it" (cue Star Trek quote) decided to stop existing...
But what happened next I did not expect... I went into Primary School as this 5 year old Baby and CAME OUT A NERD... (ssshhh)
During my 6 year stint at Priory I had so many good times and made some fantastic friends one of which was called Chris Rowson.
Chris is on the LEFT ----
He was my best mate, my pal and during the years we knew each other had some top times together.
But like everything in life there was one life defining moment...
Somepoint 1988
This was a quietish year apart from 2 main things.
1: I took up playing the Trombone.
2: I get my first proper girlfriend.
Her name was Leanne and for the next 18 years would be the only Blonde Girlfriend I would have.
I never appreciated her back then but now she means a lot to me. I don't see her now as I lost contact with everyone from Primary School but I feel sure that she is still wowing everyone.
September 1989
My Mum and Dad finally parted ways after what had been a long divorce.
I don't remember much of the time, I think Quacks say I have emotionally blocked it out, but I do remember one particular evening when they where shouting at each other.
My Brother, at the time, was only 3 and my Sister 7 so being the oldest I did something I still find remarkable in that situation.
----- Me and My Sis
As soon as the shouting started I took all 3 of us upstairs out of the way into one of our bedrooms and started entertaining them.
My brother doesn't remember anything of the time and my Sister only little bits but I like to think I helped that by taking their minds of it.
October 1989
We moved house and the 4 of us started afresh. New area and a new house to reek havoc in.
September 3rd 1991
My first day at Senior School. With this came a new set of friends and opportunities that I hadn't expected.
I joined a number of bands, both in school and externally, enjoyed a number of holidays as part of school and as part of the bands and eventually got my first job.
Summer 1995
My first trip abroad touring with a Brass Band.
Germany was our destination and Berlin was our location. It wasn't long since the Wall had come down and remains still stood.
Now, anyone who has a problem with German people actually need to go over there and see the place for themselves. I never had while over there and still to this day have never had a problem with German people.
Febuary 1997
As part of the Jazz and Brass Bands I was part of I got to go to America touring.
As part of the trip we toured around North Carolina and Florida.
While in NC we stayed with families and took part in their schooling which was a whole new experience in itself.
Then cam Florida. The crowning moment of the trip was playing at Walt Disney World. It is a place that can only be described if you actually see it in real life. Describing it now wouldn't do it justice.
October 10th 1998
Birmingham beckoned and a new life for me. I had managed to get into the University of Central England in Birmingham doing a degree in Architecture.
I moved into the Halls for the first year and student houses for the next 2 but unfortunately I started to get ill and had to give up.
During my time in Birmingham I made 3 fantastic friends that I have continued to keep in touch with and have become my 3 closest friends I have.

My Blog


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Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:26:00 GMT

Suicide FM

°¤ It's Top 10 time again on Suicide Fm... ¤° Whenever you're feeling BLUE just tune in to Radio SFM and we'll tip you over the edge. Whether you're hanging from a bridge, holding a gun in your hand...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 08:05:00 GMT


°¤ It's Top 10 time again on Suicide Fm... ¤° Whenever you're feeling BLUE just tune in to Radio SFM and we'll tip you over the edge. Whether you're hanging from a bridge, holding a gun in your hand...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMT