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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Every day,think as u woke up:..."today iam fortunate to have woken up,iam alive,i have a precious human life. iam not going to waste it,iam going to use all my energies to develop myself. to expand my heart out to others. to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings,im going to have kind thoughts towards others.. iam not going to get ungry or think badly about others ,im going to banefit others as much as i can!!!! today s the most difficult thing to do,but in this way we are triyng to live our lifes!!!we live to know about new experiences 2 try ,we like those who live arts, alternative ways to concept the time,space,comunity....we are mad about healty food and different points of wiew,religious ,hystorical . no more boring stuff we all know & heard already!!!we like those who ARE real!!!!life is a beautifull gift!! live it in peace & happyness !!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i had the luck to know lots of special people in my life,some of them are still friends some others not anymore...but Im thanking everybody !! because i learned some "goods or "bad" Anyway from anyone of them!! people came trough my way by accident, or destiny make our lives sharing a little time on this era ,it doesnt matter why & how ...but thanks God anyway!! my best remembrances are about those special ones...which pass into a higer level of being....those whom r living another reality,better then ours one!! the best wish i can do 4 myself is to meet everyones in the great future it is coming ....and party in happyness till the............

My Blog

Check out my slideshow!

Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:26:00 GMT

Check out my slideshow!

Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:19:00 GMT