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Hello, I am The Patron Saint Nicholas! Welcome to Myspace!!! In short, I was born in the 2nd half of the 3rd century A.D. I was quite young when my parents died of the plague leaving me the sole heir of their vast possessions. I determined to devote my inheritance to works of charity. I was first a monk in the monastery of Holy Zion near Myra. Eventually I was made Abbot by the Archbishop, its founder. When Myra, the capital of Lycia, fell vacant, I was appointed its Archbishop. I suffered imprisonment for many years by the word of Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus (A.D. 284-305) for living in the Christian faith only to be released in 314 A.D. by Flavius Valerius Constantinus or Constantine I (306 - 337 A.D.). I was present at the Council of Nicaea as an opponent of Arianism during my place of Bishop in 318. I shed my mortal coil in Myra, on December 6th in the middle of the 4th century A.D. also known as the Saint Nicholas Feast Day'. Feast days celebrate the entry of a Saint's soul into Heaven. I was granted the gift eternal life and Sainthood, through the recognition of my lifes work of giving and attention paid to the people who thought they were forgotten. I am the Patron Saint of more causes than any other Saint. I have also come to be known as a man of many names over the years- here are a few... AUSTRIA - Chriskind; BELGIUM and the NETHERLANDS - Black Pete, Christkind, Noel and Saint Nicholas; BRAZIL - Papai Noel; CHINA - Dun Che Lao Ren; DENMARK - Julemanden; ENGLAND - Father Christmas; FINLAND - Joulupukki, Old Man Christmas; FRANCE - Père Noël or Saint Nicolas; GERMANY - Kris Kringle, Christkind, Saint Nicholas, Weihnachtsmann; HOLLAND - Sinterklaas (where the name Santa Klaus formed from. Sinter meaning Saint, and Klaas being short for Nicholas in Dutch); ICELAND - Jolasveinn; ITALY - Babbo Natale; JAPAN - Santa Kurousu; LITHUANIA - Kaledu Senu; MEXICO - San Nicolás, Santa; NORWAY - Julenissen; POLAND - Star Man or Wise Men; RUSSIA - Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz), Dedushka Moroz; SERBO-CROATION - Bozic Bata. Sveti Nickola; SPAIN - Three Kings; SWEDEN - Jultomten; SWITZERLAND - Saint Nicholas, Chriskind; UNITED STATES - Santa Claus;I look forward to seeing you all again this year- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!